Chapter 13

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You open your eyes and look at the time, time to get up for school. Sunday, you and Kageyama didn't really talk. You were busy with your family and guessed he was busy too since he didn't text you. You check your phone, still in bed, and see a text from Kags. "I'll see you at school." he says. You reply with, "Ok cool!" You head downstairs and eat breakfast with your family. "You excited for this week y/n?" your mom asks. "Why would I be?" you reply. She responds back, "First week of school with a boyfriend." You and your dads eyes widen. "What?" you and your dad shout. Aki speaks up, "Kageyama duh!" You stop eating, "He's just my friend." 'Yeah he better be." your dad says. "I like that boy, he's sweet." your mom says. You could feel a little blush on your cheeks. You walk Aki to her school and go to school from there. You check your phone and there's a text from Fumiko. "Hey y/n! Just wanted to see if I could see you before class?" she asks. "Yeah sure. Where?" you reply. She texts back immediately, "Are you at school right now?" "Yeah" "Great, meet me at the cafe." she says. You head to the cafe. "Y/N! Hi!" she shouts. You smile and wave. "Why'd you wanna see me?" you say. "I just wanted to talk with you since I haven't recently." "Oh ok. So whats up?" you ask. "Nothing with me. How about you?" she asks. You reply with, "Nothing, just school." She grows a smirk on her face, "You sure nothing?" "Yeah?" you reply confused. "Kageyama..." she says. You start to blush, "What about him?" "Whats going on with y'all? I can tell there's something." she says. "Nothing, we're just close friends." you reply. She rolls her eyes, "I see the way he looks at you in class. Clearly your more to him." Your shocked for a second but remember what happened Saturday. "I mean, I don't really know anything but we should get to class." you say trying to move on. "Fine! It's not my love life anyway." she says and starts walking. You guys walk into math together and you don't see Kageyama. You sit down and take out a book to start reading. "Your lame for reading you know?" Fumiko says. You look at her and say, "It's nice, and sometimes the characters are hot." She laughs and the teacher walks in. Everyone scrambles to their seats, but Kageyama's still not here. Its about ten minutes into class, then there's a knock on the door. The teacher opens the door and it's Kageyama. He looks at you and smiles. The teacher says, "Kageyama, your late." "Im very sorry." he replies. Kags sits next to you and you turn to him. "Where were you?" you ask. "I was waiting for you, then looked on campus cause I didn't see you." he replied. You started blushing, "You didn't have to do all that, i'd be in class anyway." "Yeah but now I got your attention." he says. "What do you mean?" He starts to get shy, "Its just after Saturday... you didn't text me. I wasn't really sure how we were." You feel confused, "What do you mean?" He rolls his eyes and says, "I thought you were ignoring me after you know..." You realize what he meant now and replied, "Im sorry. Yesterday I was just busy and since you didn't text me I thought you were too." "Can we talk during lunch?" he asks. "Yeah? We usually do." you say. He laughs and says, "No, like can we go somewhere and talk, just us?" You nod and say sure. Up until lunch you guys don't talk a lot. But now it's lunchtime and you guys head to a vending machine.

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