"Your past is what built you into the man you are today." His father's words echoed in the back of Amire's mind at every choice. He wondered how the war made him. How the genetic experiments made him. How the people he loved and killed made him. He...
Amire never watched their bodies drop. Once he saw the red burst come up off their bodies he knew they were down and moved to the next target. Efficient and agile. His gaze prowled and fixated through his rifle's guide for any movement.
"Watch from your 2 o'clock." Amire's earpiece buzzed. He turned his body right and saw targets moving in the ally across from him.
The enemy started raining down gunfire, and he dived to use the car he and Degaan were using as cover. Amire panted gazing down at the row of dead bodies.
"Shit, there are too many," Degaan muttered. Amire twisted to look at the darker man. His ears rang from the gunfire. Degaan pulled his radio up to his lips.
"Lieutenant Lorem, we're surrounded. We've opened the main way. Send backup; Out." Degaan held the radio close to his chest. Static came over the speaker.
"Denied, Sargent, hold your position. How many of your squad in action. Out." Degaan's brow scrunched up and his usually bright eyes sunk with shadows.
"One, sir. Out."
"Hold your position. Out."
"Right, Amire looks like it's on us. We can't let the enemy pull into this route. Gotta save it for big daddy." Degaan gave a stiff laugh and reached out grasping Amire's bicep. His fingers dug into his skin despite the canvas jacket.
"Sir-" Amire started.
"It's been a pleasure serving with you. Let's meet up again in the next life and live it together." Degaan gave him an uncertain grin and pulled his hand away, raising his weapon up to his shoulder and jumping up.
"Degaan-" Amire clutched the air where he used to be, to pull him back, but he was out of reach. Already dashing to a car further away to offer a wider range of gunfire. Amire plucked his lips, tasting metal. He shifted his weight and watched Degaan dodge behind a truck.
"We will survive, Degaan." Amire whispered, hoisting himself up and drawing his gun close. Men circled the block. Tucked behind vehicles, grungy barricades, and broken buildings.
Amire took aim. Unloaded a round on a group gathered by an old compact car. A man appeared on the roof with a large cannon-like tube.
"RPG!" He hollered too late. The popping noise hit his ears. His eyes traced the projectile to the truck. The pressure from the explosion pushed at his exposed skin. Amire blinked several times as dust and heat hit his eyes. He couldn't blink away the image of Degaan's body flung out of the resulting fire. It was a rag-doll, landing along the wall of the building behind him.
"Degaan!" Amire shouted, unable to hear himself over the rush of the explosion. He felt his joints stiffen. His ears popped. He couldn't move. The wall of the building swelled. It gave out and the wall collapsed into a heap of rubble. The body of a tank busted through, rolling over the body of Degaan and mashing him into the rubble.
A new round of screaming and gunfire laced the street. A group of men flanked the tank. Clearing the way and giving it orders. Amire managed to look away. The harsh ringing of artillery from the tank and the rattle of assault rifles dimmed into a low hum.
He dug in his pocket and found a familiar red orb. He ripped it out and forced it past his lips. Biting down he felt the familiar bitter heat and pulled his gun up. His focus sharpened, and he swung his gun on the enemy.
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