The Naming Ceremony

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It was the morning of Samhain and Zelda had spent two days preparing for the naming ceremony. The entire coven would be present, including Sabrina and Gryla with her Yule Lads. As High Priestess, she would lead the ritual but she would need at least one blood relative present...

"How are you feeling today, Lilith?" Zelda sauntered across the room to unclip the wooden window Ambrose had installed after Lilith's fury shattered the glass, and let the sunshine into the room. "I saw Dr. Black had you walking around the entire grounds yesterday." The redheaded witch had found that being extremely formal succeeded in keeping Lilith calm around her, so she maintained her Directrix demeanour any time she was near the Queen of Hell.

"Yes, we did a few walks yesterday and she's pleased with my progress. Physically, I am as fit as ever, thanks to you." Lilith paused and caught Zelda's eye. She was no fool, she understood the witch had feelings for her, even if she couldn't remember why or how that had occurred. In calmer moments, she felt remorse for the anger boiling deep within her, and she wanted to offer an olive branch and make peace with the elder Spellman.

"As I've said, it's been my pleasure looking after you. I did want to discuss Deianeira's naming ceremony with you; it is tonight, as you know, and I would like to request your presence. If you feel you are capable. I'm sure you understand that the only way for your daughter to truly be safe is for her to receive her name from a blood relative." Zelda clasped her hands in front of her, standing still and straight in front of the window.

Lilith squinted to look at her; the light shone through like a halo around Zelda's form and she felt a moment of panic as memories of fallen angels rushed to the surface. She winced and looked away, "But I didn't name her, you've called her Deianeira."

Moving away from the window and over to the bed, Zelda kept her distance but waited until Lilith was looking at her before she spoke; "You came to me in a dream, Lilith. This was the name you gave her and I plan to honour that. You've named your daughter. Please stand with me tonight in formally welcoming her both into the World and into this coven."

It was too much, Lilith frowned, shaking her head, her voice hollow; "I have no coven. Leave me be."

Zelda opened her mouth to argue and the bedroom door flung open, Lilith's dagger-edged voice a clear warning; "Leave. Now."

Dipping her head, Zelda did as she was asked, closing the door softly behind her, pausing to rest her forehead against the door with her eyes closed. "Recovery takes time..." Penelope's voice startled Zelda and she spun around.

"We don't have time! The naming ceremony is tonight and if Lilith doesn't show up, we cannot complete the blood rite needed to sanctify the ritual!" Infuriated and having no time for Dr. Black's reasonable rationale, the High Priestess marched past her without another word.


The clearing in Greendale Woods had been transformed for Samhain eve. Thousands of black taper candles suspended in the air around the clearing, shining brightly along with the moon. Pillar candles sat in copper bowls on top of logs throughout the clearing, and there was an abundance of deep purple lotus flowers floating in copper bowls of water to signify new beginnings. Myrrh resin was being burned at the entrance of the circle for purification, and rosemary was thrown into the bonfire for new beginnings. The entire clearing was a magical circle inviting guests in and keeping unwanted intruders out.

In the North for Earth, a raw smoky quartz amethyst fashioned into a sharp-tipped pentagon and standing six feet tall cleared the area of any negativity and welcomed guests into the circle. In the South for Fire, a massive bonfire crackled, reaching up to the Skies, protecting the borders of the circle and deterring any unwanted guests. A murder of crows perched high in the trees to the East, representing Air and signifying destiny and personal transformation. To the West, for Water, stood a copper baptismal font with the demon of protection, Pazuzu's, sigil etched into it. Finally, in the center, stood an altar dedicated to Lilith; as the Queen of Hell, the coven prayed to her and so she would be honoured as their Goddess, Queen, and Mother of the babe being named. The altar was a tall slate table covered in black candles, an athame, copper goblet, blessing oil, large owl feather, and the skull of a snake. Zelda Spellman, clothed in the shimmering silver robes of a High Priestess and wearing a deer antler circlet, stood before the altar to welcome her guests inside with palms open and at her side.

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