Chapter 7

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Laura's POV-

"Laura." I heard Massimo saying my name but it does nothing to my anger. All those things from my childhood, how he used to beat me, abuse me, call me whore and a girl that no one can ever love. I was weak at that time. I was always weak and vulnerable.

"I need to leave." I told him while I was fuming with anger.

He looked at me for a moment then mumbled an Okay. As I was about to leave I heard him talking to her in Italian.

"Se hai il coraggio di avvicinarti a lei. Giuro che te ne pentirai più tardi." He said.(If u even dare to come near her. I swear that u will regret it later.)

After that we left the restaurant. We are sitting in car for a while now. Neither he nor I say anything. We were just sitting in a silence, the only sound which can be hear is of song which was playing in the car. It was "Feeling good by Michael Bubĺe". I am no longer feeling angry. I do notice that Massimo keep glancing at me time-to-time. But I didn't look at him.

"Look, I am sorry. She is not my fia-" I cut him off.

"I don't care Massimo who she is to you. But I am not gonna stand there and listen to her calling me whore and abusing my mother." I told him, getting angry at the last part.

He just nodded. "I promise this will not gonna happen again. I'll make sure of that."

"Well, please make sure of that because next time if she ever speaks to me like that I will definitely do something that both of you gonna regret." I told him, or kinda gave him a threat.

He let out a sigh."Okay."

When I reached my hotel I was about to climb out of the car when he stopped me.I looked at him. He looked at me for a moment.

"Goodnight. Laura." He said softly.

"Goodnight. Massimo." I said with a mutual voice.

Massimo's POV-

I watched her as she was going back to her hotel. I have never felt so attracted towards anyone but she is different. Her voice held so much confidence, I have never apologize to anyone but with her I don't mind it. Everything was going good at dinner until Anna decided to show up.

When she said about her being my fiance disgusts me. She is the biggest mistake of my life. I didn't even put that ring on her finger, she just did that by herself and kept telling everyone that we are engaged. Anna is a very stubborn and sometimes she can be a pain in my ass. But seeing Laura with her.

All the women I have known or I have fucked, no one had that confidence and that some kind of essence that she has. I want to fulfil all my fantasies with her, not just the sexual ones, I want her to be mine. I can still kidnap her and make her mine but no. I am gonna make her mine with her permission. Tonight when she got angry on Anna, I got to see her feisty and rebellious side. The way she threatened her, I gotta say that she scared the shit out of Anna.

As I got to my villa, I quickly made my way up to my bedroom and stripped out of my clothes then headed to bathroom for a shower.

When I was done taking the shower. I grabbed a towel then threw it on the couch. I laid down on my bed then I fall asleep.

Laura's POV--

I was staring out of my room windows and just wondering those days when I was an orphan. My biological mother died while giving birth to me. My biological father couldn't handle the pain and soon his pain turned into anger. The first memory I have of him is when he was lashing out his anger on me. He used to beat me every-fucking-day. Back then I used to thought that I deserve it.

He used to blame me for my mother's death. One day one of his friend came over and I knew that something was wrong. So I eavesdropped into their conversation and shocked would be an understatement. He was selling me, he was selling his own daughter for just the sake of money. So I decided to escape from there.

After that I ended up being in a foster care but I guess I truly have such a bad luck that I experienced the same thing. Again I got raped, and not just one time but again and again and again. I wanted to die at that time. I always used to thought that why can't someone just love me..why is it always happens with me.

But finally one day I got adopted. I still remember that day very clearly. I was 11 years old when I saw them. My family. I was so scared of people back then that when my brother tried to hug me I screamed and ran away from there and hid myself in a corner.


"Behave yourself, if they saw you crying they are not going to adopt you. So smile and look cute." I suddenly stopped crying. I need a family but I am sacred. What if they are like all other men I have met before.

When we reached to the office I saw them. There is a man and a woman. There was a boy too. He looks a little older than me as soon as he saw me he screamed "Baby Sister!!!!". He engulfed me in a hug. My heart started pounding and I screamed in fear. I ran and hid myself in a corner I was holding my knees against my chest, tears running down my face. I am so coward, nobody is going to adopt me. Soon I heard a soft voice calling my name.

"Laura, Don't be scared." That women said while slowly coming towards me. She has such a gentle voice.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to scream at him. Please don't hurt me." I told her while my whole body was shaking with fear.

She quickly engulfed me in a hug while rocking me back and forth. I like her she is so gentle with me. I hid my face in her neck.

"Do you want to come with us." She asked me.

"You want to adopt me." I asked her.

"Ofcourse buttercup." She told while giving me a genuine smile.

Finally someone has adopted me.

Word count: 1200 words.


So finally I am back with a new chapter. And I want u guys to tell me if u want next chapter based on Laura's childhood after her adoption. If u want it then please let me know. I was thinking about writing a chapter about Massimo's childhood too. So let me know what do u guys want and That's it. Please Vote, share and comment.💜

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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