Great minds think alike

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4th year, autumn

Hermione pulled her legs up to her chest and looked out across the Black Lake, where the inky dark ripples swirled hypnotically. The autumn smells of spiced pumpkin and wood fire filled rose from Hogwarts into the cold afternoon air. She reached into her bag for her cigarettes, a muggle habit she'd picked up over the summer holidays. Hermione was smart enough to know they weren't good for her, but just one on an afternoon like this. She exhaled and lay back onto the leafy bank.
The sound of footsteps dragging through the dry autumn leaves and a slow humming came up behind her. Hermione quickly propped herself up and tried to put her cigarette covertly behind her body. She flashed around with a glare, annoyed someone would so shamelessly interrupt her few moments of quiet.

"You know they say there's a megladon in there," they said airily, nodding at the lake. Goddamn Luna Lovegood - of all people.

"Hey Luna..." Hermione said, trying to find a tone which wasn't necessarily impolite... just asserted her need to be alone. Obviously unsuccessfully, as Luna wandered in her slow, almost floaty way until she was stranding next to Hermione.

"It's a prehistoric fish..." she said, still not looking at Hermione, but out to the lake like she saw straight through the water. "Can only survive in warm waters... but I think I've seen it. Have you?"

She turned her intense gaze to Hermione, who suddenly felt awkward and dirty among the crunchy leaves. Hermione was poised to tell her to piss off. But Luna's stare was strong in the afternoon light. Leaves and sun eminated around her doll like face, cheeks flushed pink from the cold. So instead Hermione splurted "what sorry?"

"You'll see it one day." There's was a pause which Hermione felt was tinglingly awkward, but Luna seemed be conducting their silence with calm. "I know you don't really want me to, but I think I'll just sit down here next to you." Luna crumpled down onto the leaves and looked at Hermione expectantly.

Hermione was acutely aware that this was the first moment they had been alone together. There was always Ginny or Harry for Luna's bizarre theories to bounce off. But now, it was only Hermione under Luna's blue stare. Hermione came to her senses.

"You just said it yourself Luna, it's a) prehistoric and b) lives in warmer waters". Hermione looked back at the water, unsure why she was even engaging with this debate.

"I know, but I saw it. Everyone knows the lake is magic right." Luna murmured.

"Yeah but magic is really just a set of logics, patterns, and I haven't seen prehistoric regeneration in any magic." Hermione muttered.

Luna's eyes seemed to trace the outline of Hermione's face, hair and robes. "You're clever Hermione."

"Ah thanks, I suppose." Hermione tried to laugh, but instead sat extremely still, under the spotlight of such an overt compliment.

"I'm not joking" Luna said sternly, watching Hermione's face as her brows furrowed and cheeks shifted. "You're so smart you could have anything if you just decided you wanted it"

Hermione felt heat spread across her cheeks and her bushy hair stand further up on end. She lifted her trembling hand to pat it down, to cool her flushed cheeks, anything, when Luna grabbed Hermione's exposed wrist. Luna held it tightly in the air.

"Just let me know if you figure out what you want." Luna whispered so softly Hermione wondered if it was the wind. Hermione remembered her cigarette and drew it up to her lips with her free hand. Hermione let Luna watch her.

"Alright then." Hermione said, finally meeting Luna's sharp blue eyes. It came out as more of a challenge than Hermione had intended. Not looking away, Luna let Hermione's hand fall, but seemed to grip her tighter with her brilliant blue eyes. "Alright then" replied Luna with a grin.

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