Happy 23rd Birthday, Daeylah!

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The date was September 11th, 2020. Also known as Patriot Day. Daeylah Schezolgafranioro [Dimensional] was in her house chatting with her friends Celeeniaa Zapporlgexvekei [Space Channel 5], Sybil Crylistion [Space Channel 5], Gia Xendrion [Galaxy], Halley Handrolez [Hello World], and Labradorite Tasnelly [Plug-In].

Space Channel 5: Happy birthday, Daeylah.

Dimensional: Thanks you guys. So, Sybil. How's your little boyfriend? What's his name again?

Space Channel 5: His name is Bernard Forrester [Bebop Knave]. And he and his family are doing well. We're actually going to go on our first date together.

Galaxy: Ooh! That's e-e-e-exciting!

Plug-In: What's he like?

Space Channel 5: Well, he's like Cel, except he's completely blind. He's been like that ever since he was born.

Galaxy: Oh, t-t-that's s-s-s-sad.

Space Channel 5: But he has his sisters Tia [Trip The Light Fantastic] and Polly [Poppin' Delight] to help him around the house. And he also has a little puppy named Honey.

Space Channel 39: I like puppies.

Plug-In: Me too! *giggles* Oh, by the way.

She wrote something down for Halley: "How's Minoru?" All Halley could do was shook her head.

Dimensional: Minoru's dead?!

Plug-In: No, I think what Halley means to say is that he's not doing well.

Space Channel 5: Doesn't he have a girlfriend now?

Galaxy: Y-Y-Yeah, she's that one l-l-loud g-g-girl named S-S-S-Serene [Siren]. They only h-h-had one d-d-date t-t-t-together, but a-a-after that, t-t-they h-h-haven't seen e-e-each o-o-other since.

Dimensional: Has she tried to call him?

Space Channel 5: I don't think he can hear his own phone ring if he can't hear people trying to bang on his door.

Dimensional: Is Minoru thinking of breaking up with Serene?

Galaxy: I h-h-hope not. They o-o-o-only got t-t-together for a m-m-month.

Dimensional: Why is Minoru in depression again?

Space Channel 5: He lost his 2 sisters. They were pretty much his only family he had left after his parents died.

Plug-In: He's been avoiding everybody, including me and Halley.

Galaxy: S-S-Serene needs to...you k-k-know...m-m-mate with him.

Space Channel 5: I don't think he wants to have kids with Serene right now.

Dimensional: What he needs right now is his sisters coming back from the dead.

Galaxy: B-B-But they d-d-died from C-C-C-COVID-19.

Dimensional: Maybe his friend Kaori [Yukata Miku] or any of the other Yukata modules can help. After all, they've been good friends to Minoru, Yumiko, and Katie.

Space Channel 5: Maybe. Let's give that a try.

Hello World: I don't want Mi-no-ru to be lone-ly any-more. I want to cee him su-mile a-gain.

Plug-In: Me neither.

Dimensional: Well, have fun with that.

Galaxy: H-H-Happy b-b-birthday again, D-D-Daeylah.

Dimensional: Thanks.

And so, the group of Mikus ended the chat there.

That's all I got. Happy birthday, Dimensional. I'll see you guys in the next story!

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