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Rhea's POV

"We are here," I informed him showing him the way to parking lot, " let's go meet my nephew," I giggled.

As I was about to get down but Vikram locked the door, I turned to him, " now what?"

"You have already lost one bet, do you think you can lose another?" He challenged.

" One, I didn't loose we had equal chances and you just got lucky and two what's this bet you think I am losing?"

"You know, who ever reaches the baby first wins," he smiled.

Oh playing games now, are we?

Pieces started to turn in my head and I smiled at him, " do you think I can't out run you to fifth floor?"

"Well you said it, five floors it is and let's both have a fair chance, no taking the lift, only stairs," he proposed.

"What do I get if I win?"

"So confident about your winning huh?, I will agree that you didn't loose in guessing the gender of the baby."

"I didn't."

"And I will agree," he paused, " only if you win," he said moving his hand forward.

I shook his hand, "Deal!"

We were both standing at two staircases at both ends of the floor, he mouthed go as I rushed forward.

We both reached the first floor at the same time, giving each other a glance we moved further.

Gosh this is exhausted, I was gasping for air as I reached the second floor, Vikram waved at me before going higher.

I stood there catching up on my breath, I smiled at my plan, straightened my shirt walking to the desk, " which room is Aarushi in? I am her sister," I informed.

"203, mam," she smiled at me.

I walked to the door and twisted it open, " I am here!" I screamed.

"Congratulations jiju," he gave me a warm smile before showing me the baby in his hands.

He was so tiny, I could fit him in my bag and no one would ever notice, " do you want to hold him?" Jiju asked.

I eagerly nodded and gently took the baby from his hold, " he got your eyes Di," I giggled nudging his little nose.

" Where is Vikram?" Jiju's dad asked.

Trying to win a race which I already won!

"He is coming, I forgot to tell him the room number, could you please call him and inform?" I smiled innocently.

"Sure," he walked outside taking his phone.

The door burst open after a while revealing Vikram still gasping for air and his father.

"You look like you have ran a marathon," jiju commented.

Vikram glared at me as I tried to bit back a chuckle, " I rushed as fast as I could to see my little nephew," he walked towards me.

I was still holding the baby, I turned to my side giving him a better look, "this is not over," he whispered before slowly taking the baby.

"He is gorgeous," Vikram smiled at the couple.

I walked to the mothers who were indulged in deep talk, taking a seat beside them.

" If your marriage is done then I will be happily living the rest of my life with my grandchildren," Vikram's mother said looking at him.

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