|| Chapter 1: The New Girl ||

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Ok towards the end it does have a bit of strong language and cursing, so please be aware that there is some mild profanity throughout the mini-book! -Kawaii <3

You stood outside the door, hand inches away, ready to knock. You held your breath.

New school, new friends! This shouldn't be too hard! It's not like it was hard the last 6 times we moved.....

You sighed. Your parents had very important jobs in a big company. You always had to move. You made friends, you lost them. Repeat. Over and over again. It never ended. You shut your eyes, taking a deep breath and grabbed the door knob.

The door opened with a creak and you stepped inside. All eyes were on you. The teacher stopped talking. 

"Class this is (Y/n) (L/n). She's our new student."

A girl with short brown hair and bright brown eyes sitting in the front row gave a huge smile and waved. You shyly waved back

"(Y/n), you can sit next to Bakugou."

A blonde, spiky haired teenage boy, sitting leaned back in the chair with his feet on the table, grunted in acknowledgment. 

You increased your hold on your folders and books and nervously scooted over to the seat next to him.

"Why are you so tense? It's annoying."


He continued to glare at you. It was pretty uncomfortable. You mostly just ignored it and focused on class. Next thing you know, class is already over and the bell has rang. The scuffling of feet and shuffling of school supplies was almost deafening. You stood up, and looked over to see if Bakugou was still there. To your surprise, his desk was already empty. You grabbed your books and waited until the sound of chatting and footsteps had faded. You slowly stood up...



You were jump-scared by the bright eyed and brown haired girl, when she shouted, "Hi!," right into your sensitive ears. You stumbled and dropped all your books. Taking a moment to catch your breath back, the girl said, "Oh my gosh I'm SO SORRY! I really didn't mean to startle you! Here, let me help." As the girl bent down to help you pick up the scattered books, she was profusely apologizing. 

"It's fine.." You said shyly, still out of breath. You grabbed the books from her. "Thanks."

"Of course, it was my fault anyways. Ochaco Uraraka. You can call me Ochaco!" She smiled brightly. You giggled at her excited response. 

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n), and you can just call me (Y/n)."

"Pretty name!"

"Thanks. Oh hey, who is that guy, Bakugou? He was glaring at me the whole class..."

"Oh, he was? That's weird."

"He was mad at me for being nervous..?"

"Yeah, he's kind of like that. Don't worry about it." She gave you a bright smile and a thumbs up.

You laughed. "Alright, thanks. Want to walk home together?"

"Yeah totally!"

You both skipped out of the classroom talking about the school.


It was the next morning. You grabbed some toast as well as your backpack, and flew out the door.

Oh god I'm gonna be late I'm gonna be late I'm gonna be late I'm gonna be late-

You ran all the way to school when you finally reached the gate. You bent over, out of breath. You checked your watch. Oh god! School started almost an hour ago!  You thought to yourself, as you frantically began shoving your face with that crispy, buttery goodness we call toast. You paused for a moment, just a moment, to enjoy the melodic tweeting of the birds and the warm sunshine on your face. You smiled to yourself, then realized that you were still late.

 You quickly finished chewing and sprinted into the building. You busted open the classroom door only to find..?

Nobody was in class.

Except for Bakugou.

He looked up from whatever he was doing and stared at you.

"What are you doing here, Nerd?" He sneered at you, but also seemed to genuinely want to know.

"Where is everyone, am I really that late?" You panicked.

"Late??? You're early, school hasn't started yet." 

"What??" You checked your watch again. "But it say's it's 8:46!"

"It's 7:46, idiot."

"o h." Your face started to grow red as you felt the blood rush to your cheeks. That was so embarrassing! "Wait, what are you doing here Bakugou?"

"I always get here early!"

"You come to school early every day..? That's... Really good of you!" You said. It was actually kind of cute. He seemed kind of a bit like a bad boy, yet he got to school early each day... Kind of sweet, and responsible, actually-

"WHAT ABOUT IT NERD?!?!?" He rushed over and grabbed the collar of your shirt. You immediately panicked, and blushed an even deeper shade of red at the sudden contact. He stared straight at you, then seemed to realize he was extremely close and then he started... Blushing..? He immediately let you go and turned around, putting his hands in his pockets. He grumbled something you couldn't make out, and then he sat back down. You put a hand on your warm face. Well, that was a weird situation.


lmao excuse the cringe sorry -kawaii

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