|| Chapter 2: Where You Have A Realization ||

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You were sitting next to Bakugou in class. The teacher was late. It was kind of awkward after the encounter that morning. Your face was still red from the embarrassment. You snuck a glance to your left, and saw Bakugou staring at you. He saw you caught him, and you both turned away, red in the face. You stared down at your lap. Ochaco, sitting directly behind you, tapped you on the shoulder. You had a silent conversation, mouthing questions and shrugging. The bell rang, and everyone ran out the door. Bakugou brushed passed you on the way out. Your shoulder tingled from his touch, and you blushed slightly. Ochaco came up next to you.

"(Y/n), why was Bakugou staring at you?"

"I don't know! Was there something on my face?"

"No, you look fine."

You sighed. It was kind of confusing. You're not sure why, but whenever he looked at you, you got shivers down your spine, butterflies in your stomach, and your cheeks tinted a rosy shade of pink. Was that good or bad? Did you like it? You've only been here 2 days... Things were going so quickly. "Hello? (Y/n)?" Ochaco snapped you out of your questioning daydream. You sighed.

"So! (Y/n)! What's your quirk?"

"Oh.. My quirk?"

"Yeah! Mine's anti gravity."

"That's really awesome. Mine is I can communicate with animals."

"Wow, seriously?? Like, talk to them and everything?"

You giggled. "Yeah, pretty much." For the rest of the afternoon you talked to Ochaco about quirks. She told you about everyone else's. "I haven't really had a chance to meet all the other students."

"Hey, don't worry. I can introduce you now!"

"Wait now?-"

"Come on!" She pulled you down the hallway and all the way outside of the school.

"Hey!! That hurts!" Ochaco continued to tug you around, until you were next to 2 more students. One of them had a strange scar over one of his heterochromatic eyes, and half of his hair was red while the other was white. He looked so interesting, it was almost hard to take your eyes off of him. The other boy was rather plain, but very cute. He had almost fluffy green hair, freckles, and big innocent eyes. He smiled at you cutely. You smiled back.

"Todoroki, Deku, this is (Y/n)!"

"Hi (Y/n)!" The green haired boy exclaimed happily. The other, presumably Todoroki, grunted in response.

"Her quirk is being able to talk to animals!" Ochaco said proudly, almost like a mother boasting about her child. It was weird, but it was also pretty funny.

"Woah!! That's awesome!" Deku said with gleaming eyes. Todoroki finally seemed to acknowledge our presence. 

He said, "How is that helpful in battle?" Everyone turned to stare at him.

"How do you fight villains by communicating with animals? It seems kind of inconvenient." Everyone looked back at you for a response.

"Well... I can also call on animals to help me whenever I need. They also listen to me, and naturally trust me more than any other humans. If I was in battle, I could call upon any number of any animals I needed from anywhere." Deku stared in awe.

"THAT'S SO AWESOME!" He shouted, nearly jumping into the air. It was really cute! Todoroki just looked away, deep in thought.

"Isn't it?" Ochaco said. She and Deku seemed to be good friends, and you could tell why. Ochaco and Deku chatted for a bit. You just nodded and listened to the conversation, occasionally throwing in a laugh or agreement here and there. You checked your watch, and made sure you remembered it was an hour off.

"I have to go now, see you all on Monday!" You said. Deku and Ochaco gave enthusiastic replies. Todoroki just hummed. You waved goodbye and turned around, walking off. You were wondering about what Todoroki was thinking about, when you bumped into a certain blonde haired boy.

"HEY, WATCH IT!" He yelled. You were immediately shocked. It was kind of your fault, but he didn't need to be so rude!

"Well it's not like you need to yell! Sorry, ok?" You glared at him. He seemed slightly taken aback by your response. Then he mumbled something. "What?" You said.

"Sorry. Alright?" He said with sincerity. You stared at him. You didn't actually expect an apology. You smiled at him, laughed, and said,

"I forgive you."


Every day from that point on, when you got to class you said the same thing.

"Good morning, Bakugou-Kun!" 

He usually grunted or hummed in response. After a while, you came to a realization.

You had a crush on Bakugou.

It wasn't just a crush, it was head-over-heels love. You knew he probably was focusing on school, and you didn't want to say anything either way. It was easier with him not knowing. If he did, it would be so awkward... And right now, things were ok between you two. 

Unfortunately, it wasn't just you that noticed that. Ochaco always commented on it. 

Eventually you met a girl named Momo, and you both talked a lot. You really respected Momo, she did so well at everything. It must take a lot of hard work! It was a Wednesday afternoon, and Momo and Ochaco were bugging you about Bakugou.

"(Y/n), you and Bakugou always talk together. Are you dating?" Ochaco asked curiously.

"Bakugou doesn't exactly seem like the type to date." Momo added. Ochaco pouted. 

"It would be awesome if they did though!" 

Your face grew red, and you tried your best to hide it as you said, "No, we're just friends, if you could even call us that."

Ochaco squealed. "That's so cute! Even if you aren't dating, I can still fantasize about it..." Ochaco rested her chin dreamily into her hands, and drifted off into some daydream probably involving you and Bakugou. Momo seemed unfazed, and watched you both.

"There's nothing between us, I swear!" You laughed.

"So you don't like Bakugou?" Momo chipped in.

"What? Uh, no?" You said, taken aback by her sudden contribution. You thought you heard footsteps behind you. That reminded you to check the time. "Sorry guys, I have to go home. See you in class tomorrow." Momo gave a small smile at you, and Ochaco hummed, probably still stuck in shipping dream land. You sighed to yourself and walked away from the school.

(A/N): Ok this was originally going to be a one-shot, but I SUCK at writing small stories. Anything I write ends up as either an essay or a novel... TvT

Hope you enjoyed this. Please leave feedback in the comments if you have some!

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