Chapter 27: Date Night

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Adelaide's PoV:

And I thought getting ready for an official function back at the palace required a lot of work but Dela and Mara were making sure that I looked the best for my date tonight. The morning had been spent dress shopping with the girls. I loved all of the dresses that I had, but according to Dela, every girl needed a black dress for date nights. So, that was what we had gone shopping for. And I had to say, I was absolutely in love with my choice of dress for the evening.

I currently had the dress hanging from a hook in my closet as I was preparing to make final preparations before putting it on. I had so many emotions running through my cluttered mind that it was quite difficult to concentrate. I was having an evening to myself, I was having an evening that I had planned and it was an evening that I was looking forward to. I was going on a date with a handsome man who I loved and I had a bright future ahead of me. The world was finally beginning to look up for me.

Simple piano music filtered through my bathroom and bedroom as I finished my shower and eyed the dress hanging from the hook. I knew I loved it and I knew I looked drop dead gorgeous in it, I just hoped Jackson felt the same way. I dried off and dried my hair before the real work began. My hair was still slightly shorter, but the length had started to return which I had to admit I loved. I had debated putting my hair in some form of elegant braid but I decided against it. I decided just to curl the ends of my hair, giving it a nice free flowing look. It took me around an hour before I was fully satisfied with my hair. My makeup was simple and easy to do and now it was time for the dress.

I stepped into the dress and felt the smooth, velvet like material run up the length of my body. The dress hugged my slim figure, accentuating every curve that my body had to offer. The straps on the shoulders slid just off the shoulders and helped to create an elegant and wide V shape around the chest. A good amount of cleavage was shown and I knew where Jackson's eyes would be for most of the night. A long slit ran up the left side of the dress to about my thigh area which completed the look. If I had worn this at the castle, my father probably would have had a heart attack. But that was neither here, nor there. This was the kind of wardrobe I had become accustomed to and I had to say, I was loving the new style.

I completed my look for the evening with a diamond and sapphire necklace that I had managed to smuggle out of the palace when I had escaped and a pair of dangly diamond earrings that I had borrowed from Dela. A pair of black stilettos was the last thing I put on.

I took one last look in the mirror and admired the job I had done at preparing myself for this evening. I looked downright sexy and I knew every eye would be on me when Jackson and I showed up at the restaurant. The only thing that was left for me to do was for Dela or Mara to zip me up. I knew Jackson wasn't here yet so it was safe to emerge from my bedroom.

I stepped out of my room and into the living room, making sure the pups did not get fur on my dress. Dela held back the pups as Mara instantly recognized my predicament and zipped up my dress. Once that bit of business was completed, her and Dela stood in front of me and had me do a quick turn. "Well Mara I must say, our princess looks downright amazing. Adelaide dear you look wonderful. That dress suits you perfectly. If I wasn't already happily engaged, I would have made a move on you." I had to laugh at Dela's comment. She was definitely trying to keep my mind occupied before Jackson arrived. Mara gave her fiance a slight nudge on the shoulder before facing me again.

"Dela's right Adelaide, you look gorgeous. Remember what I told you, be up front with Jackson and don't dance around the bush. Don't try any of the subtle business with him. And one last thing, do try and be careful. It's only been a day since the guards started going door-to-door. I know you aren't going to be talked out of this date so I'm not even going to try. All I ask is that you be careful, please." I appreciated Mara's concern and it was something that I had thought about. But I wasn't about to be held prisoner again. I needed to live life like a regular person before I returned to the place.

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