Part 26

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· Abhi:ok,I'll.
Pragya smiles.Raghav:thx jeeju

Abhi was going crazy living with kangana as her husband.

· K:plz sing a song 4 me
ABHI:stop it.i'm not ur husband to sing for you.You get that?

Kangana cries:y r you angry with me?plz don't lie that u r not my husband just bcz of anger.i can't bear it.
ABHI:I'm not lying,it's the truth
Abhi tells her everything.Kangana is shocked.

· ABHI:I'm sorry kangana.but I can't tolerate this anymore.that's y.I already did a big mistake by mistaking you for my Pragya and living with you.I really hurt my Pragya by this.Thankfully since you were sick I did'nt get intimate with you. i cant live without Pragya.ur husband Raghav is very loving.He's not ur enemy as u think.he cant live without u.

he cant live without u

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Kangana silently goes 2 her room.
After sometime Abhi who was sleeping wakes up and does'nt find kangana and Palak in her room.He searches 4 Kangana at home&is nervous:oh my god!where did kangana go?she was upset hearing the truth.will she be in danger like the doctor said?what did I do?it's my fault.what'll I tell Pragya and Raghav?

She goes 2 Raghav's house.Manorama opens the door:Pragya?
Kangana:can u plz call Raghav?
Manorama:y in this night?
Raghav comes:Pragya bhabhi?come inside
Kangana hugs him emotionally.Manorama and Raghav r shocked.

· Raghav is so stunned that he is not able to react.

K:I'm kangana
They r surprised.

· K:now I remember everything
Raghav is so happy that he hugs her tightly.They forget themselves in their emotional embrace.

They forget themselves in their emotional embrace

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Fanaa : Destroyed in Love AbhiGya Harshad SritiWhere stories live. Discover now