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"(L/n)." Katakuri stood in the kitchen doorway and was staring you down rather intensely. You didn't like the look.

"Yes?" You paused what you were doing and wiped your hands off on your apron.

"I need to borrow you for a moment, come see me in my office."

He left and the coworker to your left immediately spoke up.

"What'd you do?"

"Don't assume I messed something up." You shot back. "I'm sure it's nothing."

The rest of the people murmured amongst themselves as you removed your apron and hung it on its hook at your workspace. You had a feeling you knew what this was about as you headed out into the hall. This development wasn't one you were comfortable with but you figured this made you and Cracker even. You had no plans to cash in his offer to "owe you one" but he didn't know that. Besides that, he didn't waste his time telling his mom he'd found a girlfriend and knowing his family, word about it spread fast.

You knocked on Katakuri's office door and were met with a muffled "come in." The room was empty of anyone else but him and you almost breathed a sigh of relief. If Cracker was here, you didn't think you'd be able to stand dealing with his presence along with his brother's. One Charlotte was already hard to handle, any more just stressed you out too much.

Katakuri sat behind his desk, leaned back in his chair and swiveling side to side slightly. His crimson eyes watched you like a hawk as you stepped in and closed the door behind you. Everything about the man exuded power, no matter how relaxed he was.

"Take a seat, you've been on your feet for a while."

It was about halfway through the workday and you had yet to take your break. Sitting actually did sound nice but not in this scenario. You'd been dreading a talk like this ever since you realized someone was bound to question you on things. So while you wanted to retreat, leave the room and possibly the building out of fear, you sat down in the empty chair in front of you. It was tall enough that you could easily look at Katakuri over the desk but he was still able to look down at you. The man was too tall for his own good.

"I'll assume you know what this is about." He started.

"Um, yeah."

"Relax, I'm not here to chew you out. I just wanted to know a few things."

"Okay." You readjusted yourself so that you looked more comfortable but in reality you couldn't shake your nerves.

"So it's come to my attention that my brother Cracker has decided to see you outside of the workplace. I'm curious as to when this.... relationship, started developing."

You and Cracker had talked about what to say if anyone asked about you for the sake of keeping your story straight. He'd agreed the best thing to do was say the truth and twist it a bit to make it less of an odd friendship and more of a romantic relationship. In all honesty, it was something he'd suggested. You didn't think he could plan ahead like that and you were too frazzled by it all to do so yourself at the time. It was nice knowing one of you was able to figure things out when it mattered.

"Well, he heard about my baking when I first started working here and came by asking if I could make him some of that cake." Your eyes widened for a moment. "Don't tell Peros I made it for him though, I think he wanted me to tell him when I made more and I didn't."

Katakuri chuckled. "He won't know a thing. So Cracker decided he liked your baking."

"I mean, I guess that started it? From there we kinda started hanging out every once in a while. I wasn't sure about it since it felt almost like I worked under him but he said we don't have any direct relations at work so it wouldn't be an issue. It isn't an issue, is it?"

Charlotte Sugar (Cracker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now