It's time

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The Dark lord's Daughter"

Raelle POV:

Sitting in her room staring out the window Raelle anxiously awaits the letter she knows is coming. She hears a knock at her door, her father enters. "Hey kiddo, how are you holding up? I know you're nervous but you're going to do great. Your mama would be so proud of you." Raelle winced at the mention of her mother, usually not something they talk about almost like an unspoken rule. "I hope so" she says patting her dads back. "There's something I have been wanting to give you for a while now." Her father reaches into his back pocket pulling a box out, and he opens revealing the wand inside. "It was your moms she'd want you to have it" holding it out for her. Raelle takes the wand staring at it lost in thought. Suddenly they both hear a commotion downstairs, looking at each other they go see what the strange noise is. Slowly creeping down the stairs they peer over the banister, on the table in the living room is an owl with a envelop in its mouth. Raelle knowing what it is there for walks the rest of the way down the steps and takes the letter from the owl. Knowing its job is complete the owl flies back up the chimney. Looking down at the letter Raelle slowly opens knowing her life will change again forever. Dear Ms. Collar, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July. "Well looks like I got some school shopping to do" she turns looking at her father.


Scylla POV:

Scylla was preparing herself for her first year of Hogwarts, if it weren't for the dark lord finding her few years ago there is no telling where she would be. Her parents were murdered by the Headmaster Alder and her followers the full reason was never explained to her by the dark lord. All she remembers was be awakened to shouting and then a woman coming into her room (the dark lord) and carrying her way. She can still remember looking back at her parents lying motionless on the floor. Shaking the sad thoughts away she readied herself for training. Following, and staying with the dark lord has been her honor, and she has been training for 5 years. Scylla planned to make Alder and anyone who stood in her way pay with their lives. She grabbed her wand heading out into the courtyard for her lesson. Elena was one of the older recruits who was tasked with training Scylla by the dark lord. Walking outside she sees the older woman "About time child we have more to go over and not much time before you're off to school" Elena says. "I know sorry got a little distracted. Let's do this" Scylla says taking her stance to ready herself "Now tell me what your first goal is once beginning school?" Elena asks Scylla. "Gaining the trust of those around me. Learning as much about the enemy as I can" She answers quickly. "Good!" The older woman quickly strikes trying to use a disarming spell, which Scylla deflects. "Protego!" Scylla yells out. Suddenly the dark lord appears before them. Elena immediately bows and backs away knowing the dark lord wants time with the girl. "I see training is going well as always, but soon this will no longer be training. This will be the real thing. And you must remember no matter what trust no one, they are not your friends and will betray you like they did your parents first chance they get." The dark lord says hands behind her back walking around the Scylla. Looking straight forward Scylla responds with determination at the mention of her parents "I understand, failure is not an option. Since the day you saved me, I have thought of nothing else. You have trained me to be the best." The dark lord looks pleased with her answer. Most people are terrified of this woman, Scylla didn't cower but she did have respect for her savior. Now all she needed was to collect her school supplies and everything would be set.

Raelle POV:

Raelle was not nervous she had done this many time with her mother when she was just a little girl. She remembers how her mother would pick her up and held her. She would watch the Floo powder fall from between her mother's fingers as she said Diagon Alley and away they would go. Appearing immediately on her favorite cobble stone streets. The shops they used to visit, and all the cool magical items she loved to touch and play with. Sighing at the memory Raelle heads down to the basement. There she knew there was no chance of a muggle spotting her using the spell. Grabbing a handful of the powder from her pouch she took a deep breath and said "Diagon Alley" And next thing she knew she was there, Raelle had not been since her mother passed away year ago. Nothing had changed it all looked the same as if no time had passed. Clutching her list, she started walking down the familiar cobble stone streets. Heading down the street Raelle spotted her first stop Eeylops Owl Emporium, the bell rang as she opened the door stepping inside. " Why hello there dear" she heard a woman's voice. "Hi" Raelle says quickly smiling slightly as to not seem rude. "Here for your first owl?" The older woman asks. "Yes ma'am, part of my school supplies" she says. "Well why don't you come on back. See why owl you would like." The lady lifts the counter top to let Raelle come through. Raelle follows looking around the back room, seeing cages of birds from floor to ceiling. As she continued walking every bird was screaming for attention. All but one she noticed, the owl sat quietly looking right at her. Their eyes met and she felt an instant connection. "See one you like dear?" The woman noticed Raelle stop. "This bird here, I want her" Raelle points. The woman opens the cage, the owl flies straight to Raelle landing on her shoulder. They head back to the counter so that she could pay. "Any names in mind?" Asked the woman as she rang her up. "Aceso..... the name is from a Greek goddess meaning "healing, curing" Raelle reaches up gently petting the owl on her shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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