Chapter 1 Nick's POV

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                                                        Thursday: Nick's POV

        Every week day is the same old, boring routine. I get up ten minuted before the bus comes, throw on a band shirt, grab a nutrition bar, put in my headphones, and walk to the bus stop. Once at school, I go to my locker, grab my books and go on with my day. I don't really talk to people in or out of school. That's what makes school day really boring, until eight period.

        I have English eight, which is also the class I have with Victoria. She is the type of girl that you just want to know more about. Ever since the first day of school i have been very curious about her. I don't know if it's her beauty, or how mysterious she seems. Either way I know that I definitely want to get to know her.

        The rest of the period goes by quickly, but I just can't seem to stop staring at her. Finally the bell rings. I watch as Victoria walks quickly out of the room to where ever she has to go. I just can not get her out of head. I think about her on the bus ride home and the rest of the night.

        I manage to do my homework, while listening to music, and get Victoria off of my mind for a couple hours. As I lay in bed she drifts into my mind.

        'I can't take this anymore!' I think to myself. I'm going to talk to her tomorrow. Hopefully she hasn't noticed what a creep i am, continuously staring at her.

 ' Thank god she cant read my mind or else she would really think I am a creep.'  That would be terrible.

I finally manage to fall asleep with MCR blasting through my headphones.

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