Chapter One: The beginings

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Herobrine POV:

Everyone had always hated me, and I don't blame them. I had this power that I couldn't even control and it-it scared me. And then notch helped me by putting a lock on it, officially telling everyone that they killed me. I remember the beginning though before I was plagued with these terrible powers:

"Hey Steve wadda you think Notch is going to do with the excess power that's flowing through the universe?" I ask as I sat on the wall kicking my feet back and forth.

Steve looked over at me from where he was sitting on the wall and said "he has to put it somewhere 'cause if it runs free it could potentially create anything you've seen Notch's first try at pigs right? Imagine if that was running free." He said slight distaste in his voice.

"Yeah I guess so." I say with a voice of understanding before coming up with something fun. "Do you wanna see if Notch and Alex will play tag with us?" I ask.

I'll remember that day for the rest of my life...

We had convinced Alex and Notch to play with us we of course made notch swear not to use his powers during the match as not to cheat, but we didn't make him swear normally no we made him swear on the code.

That was our biggest mistake...

It started off as a normal game of tag, but soon it turned different...

We starting changing rules and going to different dimensions, in the nether we dodged through lava pillars dodged through the mobs and then we went to the end...

I got backed up to an edge...

I remember Alex screaming at me....

I remember Steve trying to grab me...

And most of all... I remember notch staring at me trying to use his magic but not being able to as he swore on the code and all four of us would have to be there to cancel it....

And then I remember power...

A lot of the free ranging power Notch had accidentally let run free ending up in the void

(Omg I could make an Xisumavoid story with this idea)

And now it's flowing through me...

I don't know how to control it, it started to teleport me around and I saw weird glimpses of things. I saw a weird Man with a bedrock symbol around him. I saw normal people walking in the hub one that looked like a strange pig person and one with a mask on where arguing, but I don't think this is currently happening I think I'm seeing the future as the hub looks so different than it should. I then saw glimpses of a man who was wearing a diamond block hoodie. It was weird...

And then I was back with Steve, Alex, and Notch.

"Oh my gosh, Daryl are you okay?" Alex questioned quickly.

When I opened my eyes I saw all of them look at me in surprise and so I asked "what's wrong?" I question.

"Your eyes.... they're glowing." Steve replied seemingly stuck in a trance.

I saw Notch start to mess around with the code. "Why can I see the code?" I questioned the surprise clear in my voice.

"You got some of the power that was flowing through the universe. Maybe when you feel it thought you to be a host suitable for it to cling onto." He stated with slight uncertainty.

My powers started to glitch again and soon I was teleport to a seemingly random world and things started to... corrupt almost. Bits of the world disappeared and other bit just moved into a different spot I was so confused and I tried to stop it. But it seemed like the more I tried the more it messed up I teleported to hundreds of worlds through time and space, before ending up in a strange one. It was a magnificent place with a little crop field and a house, there was a man wearing a red sweater. I remember that one the most I don't know why but I do. After that I was teleported to the hub and I felt the power slightly drain and my eyes went to there normal color of green.

I'd love to go to the point in which next chapter is all bbh content but we're going to have to wait for that cause I'm tired right now and I want to get the chapter out. I still need a cover but I might do that latter so idk.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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