Flustered and Confused

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       Raquelle was used to the same straight love stories since she was little, she grew up next door to Barbie. Barbie was the "it" girl, she had everything and anything given to her at any moment.

       Raquelle was the opposite, she tried to maintain her status but she was always hidden as the attention went on Barbie.

       That was until Raquelle got Ken.

       Raquelle somehow successful got Ken away from Barbie she didn't know how or why but it happened. Barbie missed out, Ken is amazing and all hers.

       Raquelle grew angry with her hatred towards Barbie, Barbie seemed so ahead of her in everything she struggled to keep up.

       A knock at her locker woke Raquelle out of her thoughts, she turned to see who it was at her locker - it was Ken her beloved boyfriend of a few months. Ken and Raquelle were the "It" couple after Barbie had rejected Ken last summer.

       Ken and Raquelle started talking about last Friday night where they almost had.. it but Raquelle backed out from being scared and confused. Ken smiled at her and she was about to answer his question that was until she heard heels clicking on the floor coming towards her. She knew the sound of those heels before even seeing the person, it was Barbie.

       Raquelle had a thousand thoughts run through her mind before she even seeing Barbies face, why did Barbie come up to Raquelle? She thought to herself, she turned away from Ken and looked at Barbie.

       Raquelle looked at her disgusted when Barbie said, "Hello!" that stupid blonde bimbo always trying to be friendly.. for what? "What is it Barbie?" she answered. Barbie smiled down at her and Raquelle glared back, she had a feeling in her stomach a weird feeling she could not really understand.

       She shoved away another thought of it and listened to what Barbie was saying as she looked up at Barbie speaking she became fantasized by her bright pink luscious lips.

       She quickly looked away in case Barbie had seen her staring, she finally snapped back to Earth and looked at Barbie, "You were saying?" she asked Barbie.

       Barbie smiled at her, "That's a cute skirt you have on!" Barbie said.

       Raquelle froze, she didn't know how to take that. Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink and she got annoyed, "Thanks? You can leave now." Raquelle replied trying to end this situation as quickly as she could.

       Out of the corner of her eye she saw Ken staring at Barbie and Raquelle, Raquelle narrowed her eyes at her boyfriend.. what was he staring at?

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