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-kuroo's pov-


watch the clouds as a soothing silence was covering the whole plane.
it was calming.

i open my phone and look at akaashi's text, i open it and saw loads of questions.

are you in the plane?

kenma just left.

call us if you landed.

i close my phone, and sigh as i pulled out a blanket and cover myself with it.
it still felt cold, it didn't feel as warm.

oh how i loved it when kenma would cuddle his way to my arms, and make it warmer, it almost felt like hugging the sun.

he would constantly purr as he squeezed his body tighter on my chest. my heart would always skip a beat.

everything kenma does was perfect, his complexion as well as his body.
it was slim yet slightly curvy to the point you could explode from resisting the tempting urge to kiss and hold him, and his scent made me automatically aroused.

it was a mix of vanilla and strawberry.

weird but bearable.

but, i have to move on now. for me and for kenma's sake.

it always made me guilty of how he would just ignore my shortcomings and just hold me tightly. he always ignored the way i mistreated him and just focus on how i kiss and made love to him.

he focuses on the side he wanted from me fully, and ignoring the monster that i really was.

my heart suddenly felt like it has been ripped out of my chest, cursing me with pain and agony, it made me want kenma more.

i sigh and just slowly fell asleep.

-kenma's pov-

i went to the kitchen and made coffee.
thinking about the dream that just happened.

i stir the water and add the coffee, until it turned to a creamy, brown color.

a familiar scent hit my nose, that made me go vulnerable.


my lips tremble as i remember random flashbacks of when we were still together.

its hurts.

i lift the cup up and took a sip, slowly walking back to my room.

everything was too quiet and unusual.
although there was days were kuroo wouldn't be here, but now, he's truly gone.

tears were now falling from my eyes as my hands shook a bit, making my coffee drip a little.

i open my mouth to take a sip, but i stepped on something soft, which caused me to look down and see kuroo's hoodie he gave me.

flat sobs erupted from my throat as i forcefully bit my lip. i breathed in and just kicked it out of the way as i gripped on my coffee mug tight.

i walk back to my room and place the mug on my nightstand and grab my phone.

3:06 am

i scroll through contacts, tempted to call kuroo, but kept my composure and clicked on tsukishima.

i still remember the day we unexpectedly got along.

"nice kill kuroo!" bokuto yelled across the gym as they high-fived.

i roll my eyes and played with my psp, not paying attention to what was happening to my surroundings. i heard kuroo say my name a couple of times, but just shrugged it off.

"kenma!" a loud yell boomed.

my heart dropped and hid my face.
i peak and saw it was kuroo, with his face slightly red and had a irritated and annoyed expression.

some people turned and look at us, but just shook it off and laughed, which made me more anxious.

i quickly grab my psp and ran out of the gym. i sat on a tree not far from it but was pretty well-hidden.

i sat there and embraced my knees as small sobs escaped my chest.

footsteps could be heard, i look up to see a blonde male with glasses and was really tall, walked up to me.

"are you okay?" he muttered and i just nod as i hung my head low and cried again, from the embarrasment.

everything was silent for a bit until the unknown male suddenly sighs and sat next to me.

"look, um normally, i wouldn't care but, why'd he yell at you?" he asked but i just looked at the ground.

"i-i didn't pay attention to him, it was probably my fault" i softly say as tears continue to stream down my face.

"he's a jerk" he says and i chuckle as i wipe the tears away.

i look at him, and saw he had a slight smile on his face.

and ever since that, we've bonded, but kuroo got in the way and we lose touch.

the phone rang and finally, he picked up.

"yes, who is this?" his bored voice asked.

"tsukki?" i whisper.

"yamaguchi? did you change your number? why are you calling me?" he asked.

"i-its kenma" i sofly say.

he didn't respond, which made me a bit nervous.

i grabbed my coffee and took small sips from it as i wait for his response.

"sure" he says, i smile a bit and told him my address.

and shortly after we hung up, a car pulled up right infront my of hkuse.

well that was fast.

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