Raymond x (animal) reader Lemon / smut

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(A/n i see no smut, lemons of Raymond so I'll be making this)

Edit by a friend of mine


Y/n pov.

Today was not my day unfortunately... I was in heat, this happened every few months. Being a animal here wasn't easy... I was curled up in my blankets on my bed. My breath was really heavy. I haven't gone outside in a few days due to being in heat. Lolly or Muffy would text me asking if im alright. I would say that im not wanting to go outside since Scorpions were out all the time. I always lied when i was in heat...didn't want anyone to know. I hugged my pillow hoping it would end soon...

Raymond's pov.

(Y/n) hasn't been outside lately... Muffy would tell me they are not wanting to go outside due to scorpions...i could see why of course, they're freaky! With that they said it often...too often to even believe. It was raining normally but not too hard hearing the drops of rain bounce off my umbrella. I walked the café (I NEED MY COFFEE BIRD BACKKKK-) and grabbed a few sweets i knew (y/n) liked. I walked down the stone path to her house knocking on the door hearing a lazy 'come in...'

(Y/N) POV.

I was tired since i fell asleep for a little. I heard a knock on my front door and groaned. "Come in.." The door open to see the gray and black cat i knew in love. "Hey Crisp, i brought you some things from Brewster's." "Oh thanks!" But i then remembered im still in heat...this might not go well. I was expecting him to leave but he then asked. "Is it alright if i stay here for a while? It is raining pretty hard." I looked out the window. It was really hard, i didn't want him to get sick either. I nodded. "Yeah if course!" Now i just have to hide it for a few hours.

(A time skip brought to you by Redd scamming me again aybsusnsusbhe-)

A few hours have gone by. We were talking till we hear a "B O O M !" it caused our tails to stick up in the air and our ears perk up. Gee...who knew it would get this bad. Also ment Raymond couldn't go home since he lived pretty far. "Well you probably wont be able to go home anytime soon so you'll have to stay here..." I blushed a little. I did have a crush on Raymond... But i didn't show it incase he probably like someone like lolly or Merry.

Raymond pov.

It did surprise me with the thunder. I couldn't believe i would probably have to sleep with my crush. Pink was dusted on my cheeks. "Alright, thats fine! I have no problem with that!" It was real risky to walk to my house...i didn't want to end up sick again...

(Time skip brought to you by Isabel fighting in doom)

Me and (y/n) had gotten ready for bed as she pat the side next to her. "You want me to sleep with you?" Saying it outloud made me blush... "Yeah, i don't have a extra mat anyways. I don't mind having you sleep with me." I crawled into the bed shutting my eyes to fall asleep...

A few hours of not sleeping

(Y/n) pov.

Damn it! This heat thing is killing me. Especially with Raymond with me i was breathing heavy. I couldn't handle myself anymore... "Hey (Y/N)? You alright?" My breath was shaky. It was hard to say. "Y-yeah im fine R-Raymond." "I don't think you're ok, your breathing is heavy? Are you syre you could breathe?" He said as he stood up. I sighed. "Ugh... Im in heat alright!" I said burring my face in my paws.

Raymond pov.

H-HEAT? I didn't think she was in heat... Is that why she used scorpions as an excuse?... To be honest i was in heat to...but i am able to hide it for a long while. I huffed. "I'm in heat too, im able to hide it though..." "That's going to make it worse Ray... Me and you in heat isn't going to work out well..." I smirked then With out them knowing i was ontop of them. "I could help you." They covered their face. I laughed and took their hand away from their face kissing them.

(Y/n) pov.

T-they kissed me!? This is crazy... To not be rude i kissed back. I was blushing. "So want me to help you now?" I knew what he was doing but i was impatient. He got off of me having me sit up. He then started to find my sweet spot on my neak. Once he found i moan then he bites down causing me to moan louder. He sucked on it. He soon started to take off my clothes as i took off his. Soon it was just us in our bare clothes. He then kissed me again licking my bottom lip for entrance. I gladly allowed him as he explored my mouth leaving nothing untouched. Once we separated a strand of sliva was connected. to our tounges. I kissed his bottom lip. He slid the last piece of my clothing as he took off his. And my lord!...he was bigger than i thought he was. 'How the hell is this going to fit me? Jesus!' "You ready?" He asked as i nodded. Without warning he shoved his whole member into me. Tears where on both corners if my eyes. Fuck! He was large, he was like ripping me apart. He let me adjust to his size.
After a while i gave him a signal as he started to thrust into me as he started to even me out. Fuck...this felt amazing... Soon after some thrusts i gave a signal for him to go faster. He Listened and picked up pretty fast. "Ah! Fuck!" He groaned and grunted from a thrust. I felt so full... I moaned out load. "R-Raymond!~" he growled and thrusted hard into me. "Ah! Fuck!~ do that again!" He kept slamming into me over and over. He put my leg over his shoulders to get a better angle. "R-Ray, im gonna-" "go ahead im going too aswell." A few hard thrusts and i came on him. He thrusted into me a few more times before he pulled out and came onto the bedsheets. He laid down beside me. "Fuck...that felt amazing..." He said and pulls the covers over us snuggling me. "Love you (y/n)" "hm, love you too Ray."

1095 words

A/n: ho- mg first smut chapter wow- uh- wheeze- ima do Marshal next then after that you guys could give me requests if i get any reads on this anyways lol, if you enjoyed this i hope you'll like the bext chapters


(Y/n) pov.
I woke up seeing Raymond gone and seeing a note on the table. I looked at it reading

Dear, (y/n)

Lastnight was great, like to do it some time~ ;) also! If you want come by Brewster's at 2:35 pm I'll be there buying something most likely.

Love, Raymond

I blushed at the thought, he's too pure...

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