Thanks, Stranger!

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Marco and his brothers laughed at Thatch, who got slapped across the face by the busty looking bar tender.

They were at a western styled bar, up on the outskirts of town, they came in for a drink, and would be heading back home soon, but Thatch, as always, decided to flirt. Said man stomped back to his table, and took a seat with a huff, "You really need to rethink your pick up lines, yoi." Marco smirked, taking a sip of his whisky.

"Well at least I'm trying, you old ass turkey." Thatch shot back, pouting.

Marco rose a brow, looking unimpressed, "We're only a year apart, yoi."

"And yet I've been on more dates than you, just look at this face, no woman can resist me!" Thatch boasted proudly.

"I see it alright, the handprint of an offended bar tender that is, yoi." Marco chuckled, hiding his smile behind his glass.

"How 'bout him?" Thatch pointed at an orange cowboy hat wearing teen.

"What, yoi?" Marco asked, confused on how a conversation about Thatch's face, turned into randomly pointing at a stranger.

"I dare you, Mr. Pineapple, to go talk to that cute kid over there." Thatch smirked.

"I'm not talking to a random stranger, yoi. A kid no less."

"I'll stop pranking for a week if you do. If you don't, then let's just say your work desk will have a surprise waiting for you!" Thatch stated, but Marco had gotten up after the words "stop pranking for a week" left Thatch's lips.

The blond made his way towards the orange cowboy hat wearing kid, as Marco got closer, a chair suddenly flew pass him. And the next thing he knew, Marco stood in the middle of a bar fight.




'I am so killing him, pops won't miss a son, right? OK, he will, but I'm killing him anyway.' Marco thought as he fought his way through the crowd of bikers, tugs, mafia and other hooligans. Bar fight or not, there is no way Marco's loosing his prank free week.

What Marco couldn't dodge or go around, he kicked or punched, he made it to the kid in time to kick away a biker that had cowardly tried to backstab said kid.

The kid turned around and Marco's world stopped...

The kid...young man in front of him was...well...he was beautiful.

Freckles gave him a childish look, but he had a strong jaw, sharp nose and stormy grey eyes that spoke of adventures. Marco felt light as the ravine smiled at him, "Thanks, stranger!" He chirped.

The orange cowboy hat suited him, as his red beeded necklace danced on strong shoulders.

Marco didn't get a chance to reply, as someone by the door yelled out, "COPS ARE COMING!!!"

And all of a sudden movement stopped in the bar, everyone was still, and the silence allowed for faint sirens to be heard, that was when chaos erupted.

Everyone abandoned their fight, and pushed out the doors or windows. Marco watched as the orange cowboy hat disappeared into the crowd, he stood frozen still, as the crowd cleared.

Thatch had a shit eating grin on his face as he wiggled eyebrows at Marco, "Cute, eyyyyy, bro?" He sounded so smug.

"OK, he's cute. So what, yoi? We're leaving!"

At his words, all the whitebeards in the bar got up, chugging their drinks down and following their commanders out the door.




"That was nice of him." Ace smiled, they had just gotten out of the bar and droved off in a hurried paste in their beloved red painted truck, the Piece of Spaladie.

"What was, cap?" Mihar asked from the back seat.

"And who?" Deuce inquired from the front seat.

Ace hummed, "Nothing, just a blond pineapple guy, we probably won't meet again." He shrugged. A rumbling was heard, and everyone chuckled, "I'm hungry." Ace stated.

"You're always hungry, cap!" Aggie laughed.

"You've got me confused with Luffy!"

The Spades laughed as they made their way to the baratie, it's laugh like this.

The Spades owed Ace a lot for saving them, and giving them a home, but he never asked for anything in return, and feels nice.


Two days later~~

Marco didn't expect to see the orange cowboy hat again so soon, in a bubble milk tea shop no less.

Marco was there accompanying his brothers who stood in line with him, Thatch had been eager to try out the new drink while Izo loves the drinks in general.

"Hey, isn't that the cute kid from the bar fight two days ago?" Thatch asked.

At the words "bar fight", the ravine turned his head to look behind him, recognition shown in stormy grey eyes as a smile appeared on his face, "Hey, stranger! Didn't think I'd see you again!"

"Shishishi!! Who's this pineapple?!" Another kid, younger than the freckled one, asked.

"Luffy! Don't be rude. This is the guy I told you about, the one from the bar who-"

The taller ravine didn't get to finish his sentence, as the fucking wall collapsed and a huge... Wait... 'GARP?!'

The two in front of Marco suddenly bolted out through the side window as Garp the fucking Fist chased after them shouting about ungrateful grandsons and bloody murder.

"Well... That was interesting."

Marco could only nod.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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