Chapter 9: Business Partners

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Y/N P.O.V.      Location: Torchwick's Warehouse.

Kronos and I enter through the wide open door to find several members of the White Fang working several different tasks as Roman barks orders at them. He turns towards us, and his face seemingly brightens up as he saunters toward us.

(Roman) - Ah! If it isn't my favorite business partner! How have you been, 'Haulie?

(Y/N) - Cut the small talk, and don't ever call me that again. You said you wanted to see me. Why?

(Roman) - C'mon, Overhaul, lighten up just a little! I just want to talk! Speakin' of which...

He turns to Kronos.

(Roman) - Who're you?

(Kronos) - Overhaul's Ninth Precept. They call me Kronos.

(Roman) - Ah... I got it. Time-related semblance, so he renames you after the mythological god of time, right?

(Kronos) - Yes.

(Y/N) - I said cut the small talk. You have your fix of the drug, and I doubt you called me here to pay me early.

(Roman) - Walk and talk, buddy.

He leads us over to a workbench and a map.

(Roman) - I hear you got captured. What's that all about?

(Y/N) - This was a call about my well-being?

(Roman) - You're my favorite business partner, so yes. Now spill.

(Y/N) - ...I overworked myself stabilizing the cures, and a huntsman caught me off my guard trying to apprehend me. As much as I hate to say it, I was running short of breath, and one of them knocked me out. As much as I hate to say it-

(Roman) - -They got lucky and caught you off-guard?

(Y/N) - No. I had gotten sloppy with the idiots from Beacon I had... remodeled. 

(Roman) - No shit. It was all over the news. They had to censor the whole damn thing! You should've found a better place to hide the amalgamated mess they tried to call a body.

(Y/N) - Yes. Perhaps the sewers would have been a better fit for such garbage.

(Roman) - Wow. A germophobe contemplating spelunking? Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming!

(Y/N) - Roman, they were bullies and idiots. Even if it's a loss on Beacon's part, they won't be missed.

(???) - Who is this, Torchwick?

We turn to see a raven-haired woman wearing a red dress. I get the feeling that she has an important part to play in the operation going on here. Especially the fact that Torchwick's been ordering my drug in spades recently.

(Roman) - You remember the Semblance Killers? Yeah, he's our supplier. Y/N, this is Cinder, the brains behind the operation.

She's the brains?! Had I known that, I would have cut production!

(Y/N) - I'm sorry?

(Roman) - Well, technically, she's second-in-command, but I answer to her. Her boss scares me.

(Y/N) - Oh. I'm so sorry then.

(Roman) - Why?

(Y/N) - Because after I'm paid, we go our separate ways.

All of a sudden, everyone goes quiet, you could hear a pin drop. He stares at me, his left eye twitching, as he fumbles for his cigar case.

(Roman) - B-beg pardon?

Taking it all apart. (Abused and neglected son of Overhaul male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now