Chapter 3: Moms Boyfriend

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My eyes flickered open and the bright lights stung my eyes. I could hear a monitor beeping and my head hurt like crazy. Eventually my eyes adjusted to the lights and I looked around. I noticed my mom sleeping in a chair next to me, but I closed my eyes again because my head was pounding. I tried lifting my head up but it felt so heavy. I drifted off to sleep again. When I woke up a doctor was talking to my mom.

"She sustained major injuries to her head. She has a severe concussion and a lot of swelling in her brain." The doctor explained to my now awake mother.

"Is she going to be okay?" I heard my mother's shaky voice.

"After a surgery or two and some resting that's the plan. I think she will be fine but it will take time. When she wakes up, we will run a few tests and make sure she hasn't had any memory loss."

"Where am I?" I managed a weak, hoarse voice to escape my lips.

My mom rushed over and the doctor followed. "Oh honey thank god you are okay." She said, kissing me. "You are at the hospital. Do you remember what happened?" She asked. 

"Not really. The last thing I remember is watching Jack  ruin my car." I said softly.

"You have been unconcious or about 8 hours." The doctor said.

"Can I have a glass of water?" I asked, disregarding the doctors last comment.

She poured me a glass and I sipped slowly as the doctor told me what had happened while I was out. I had already gone into surgery once but the swelling was too severe and they were only able to stop some of the bleeding. I had another surgery scheduled in a couple of hours but before then they performed all sorts of tests on me. They checked my blood and urine and thankfully gave me more morphine for my killer headache.

Coming out of surgery, the room was to remain dark because the light had bothered me so bad the previous day. Everybody was only allowed to talk in a whisper and I basically slept through the first four days in the hospital.

After a week of being in the hospital Emily began visiting every other day and apologizing. That was annoying. I could see why she's sorry but the sympathy and people feeling bad for you gets old after a while. I don't have to go back to school for a month but instead, school has to come to me once I am discharged. Which could be either soon or not for a long time. My concussion was severe and it was nearly impossible for me to do anything but sleep. I had really bad blurred vision and I get an overwhelming rush of dizziness every time I try to stand up or even sit up, for that matter so, my bed is basically where I am for most of the time.

"Hey Leah! I brought food! I figured you must be sick of hospital food." Emily came into my room, talking loudly.

"Shh please my head really hurts.. But thank you." I whispered.

"Oh right sorry." She whispered.

"So anything new at school?" I asked.

"No, all the guys are waiting for you to come back. They make me sick." She said, helping herself to a french fry.

"They make me hurt, literally." I scoffed.

"So how's everything?" She asked. "And why are you in the dark? Do you want the lights on?" She walked towards the light switch.

"No! Please, keep it dark, the light hurts my eyes and head." I explained. She nodded.

I gave her the rundown."My wrist and nose don't hurt nearly as bad as my head. And my head just pounds constantly despite the narcotics they prescribed me."

"Right now your face looks like a blob." I said.

She laughed. "I'm so sorry this all happened to you." She said for the millionth time.

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