Chapter 11: Rescue Mission part 1

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The sound that was heard when the man threw his kids at the ground "You really think that I'm that dumb aye? I've already killed your mother! There's no point of hiding it from me. TELL ME WHERE'S THE KEY!" The man yelled

"WE WOULD NEVER TELL YOU! YOU'RE A BAD MAN!" Jihyun yelled, keeping her siblings behind her. The man laughed evily "I AM AHN HAESOOK! THE WORLDS MOST WANTED CRIMINAL! KILLED MULTIPLE INNOCENT BEINGS! DO YOU THINK MY CONSCIENCE WON'T TAKE IF I KILLED MY OWN USELESS CHILDREN?! HAH! DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH YOU PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A HUMAN BEING!" He said and kicked Jihyun "Unnie!" Minseo and Miyoung immediately hugged her, trying to stop their tears from falling but it just won't stop.

"Tsk. Gaurd them! Don't give them food unless they tell me where the key is. Don't go soft on them or else" Haesook took his gun and shoots the roof. The gaurds flinched and immediately bowed, grabbing the kids and throwing them to a room before locking it

"U-unnie... What do we do?.." Jieun asked Jihyun. Jihyun sighed "I dunno but we must wait for our unnies... They won't leave us... I know they won't.." she said and hugged her kids. Seoyeon looked around "This pwace is such a dumb... Wook, locking thwee kwids who can easily entwer a vwent... Tsk..." Seoyeon said and pointed at the vent "Seoyeon you're a genius!" Jihyun stood up, despite the pain, and ran to the vent, checking if it's safe. "Do you remember Eomma's song Minseo?" She asked

"What song? Momo Eomma's?" Minseo asked. Jihyun shook her head "No no. Eomma's. If ever you're feeling trapped?" She asked. Minseo's eyes sparkled

"If ever you're feeling trapped,
I would always have your back.
Go in a straight line before turning right,
Go down down down before going left.
Stop for a minute before continuing your journey, that's where you'll find the key to your paradise~"

Minseo sang. Jihyun nodded "Straight, right, down, left, stop then look for a key.. hmm.." she thought for awhile "Miyoung-ah. Do you still have your mini notebook?" She turned to Miyoung "Yep! I never remove it in my pocket! Eomma said it's my lucky charm" she said and took her mini notebook and pen from her hoodie pocket then gives it to Jihyun "Straight, right, down, left then key. Okay, we just need to form a plan" Jihyun said and smiled

"Seoyeon-ah.. what's that?" Jieun pointed at the thing in Seoyeons hands "That idwiots hair..." Seoyeon answered "For what?" Jieun asked "I'm the daughter of satan.. don't question mwe..." Seoyeon said emotionless and kept the hair inside her pocket before crawling to Jihyun "What dwo we dwo now?" She asked. "We crawl!" Jihyun said and opened the vent, one by one they all crawled while Minseo sung the song.


"I'm nervous..." Sana said "Don't worry, we're doing this for the kids.." Tzuyu said and comforted Sana by hugging her. They're still at  Twice's dorm after JYP talked to them. BlackVelvet was kind enough to risk their lives for the kids. The Ahn children truly holds a special place in their heart.

"So?... What do we do now?.." Lisa asked "We wait for our CEO's signal..." Jihyo said as she held her bandaged wound. "We should atleast dress up, this is a rescue mission!" Yeri said "We can't leave the dorm Yeri-ssi." Irene said "Who said we need to leave the dorm? Irene unnie you're such an idiot" Yeri shook her head. Seulgi and Wendy holds Irene back before Irene could hurt their maknae

"Yeri unnie. Should we?" Tzuyu asked "You think it's time?" Lisa joined in "We could atleast do it" Chaeyoung joined in "Is it?" Joy joined in "It's always there ya know" Dahyun joined aswell "What is hoing on?" Mina said "We'll be right back!" The maknaes stood up and ran toward the maknaes room. "should we.. be worried?" Nayeon asked. The unnies stood up and makes their way to the maknae room and was about to open it when Tzuyu opened it "Oh! You guys are ehr! Come on, we've got no time" she said and pulled them in.

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