22 - E X P L A N A T I O N S

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All she saw was darkness. 

There had to be a deeper meaning to this. 

There's no way the love of her life would be a tormentor like her captures.

She didn't believe it. 

She wouldn't believe it.

As much as what she just witnessed frightened her, and made her want to curl up in a little ball and disappear, she couldn't bring herself to detest Easton, not in the slightest bit. How? He just brutally attacked the man! But still, she didn't have an ounce of hatred towards him. 

Just shock. 

She was in pure shock at what she had just seen. 

Her little fox frame had passed out amongst the other dead bodies, on the grimy, cold floor. Easton didn't even notice that she was there, due to his immense amount of stress, hatred and anger that had built up inside him. 

She was all alone in that....

She didn't even know what to call it. 

Meanwhile, Easton had just stepped out of the shower, the blood had now been washed off his tan, muscular body. All he wanted now, was to find Noelle, get some snacks and watch movies with her until dawn. The amount of Disney movies he had gone through in the past few days was incredible, but he wanted Noelle to watch every single one, knowing she had missed out on so many of them. He knew it was one of her favourite things to do when they were younger, so having to sit through Pinocchio, Sleeping beauty and Cinderella wasn't as difficult as it may sound.    

He had set up the movie, and made their bed just how she liked it, covered in pillows and fluffy blankets, and a bucket full of snacks. All he needed know was his Noelle. 

He walked down the large, spiral stairs attempting to find Nate and Lilah. Noelle's scent was extremely faint so he knew she wasn't anywhere close to him. He continued to walk around until he saw Lilah walking around aimlessly with a worried look on her face. She paused when she saw him. 

"What's going on?", he asked, sensing her discomfort.

"Don't get angry, but we're looking for Noelle. She ran away from us and we've been looking for her for a little bit", she explained the current dilemma, causing Easton to immediately tense up. 

It may not seem like a big deal to some people, but to the residents of the Highland castle, it most certainly is. 

"I'll find her", he spoke gruffly, trying to hide his anger towards the couple. How could they be so irresponsible? 

He simply walked away and followed her scent. His nose led him down the other flight of stairs which led him to the basement. 

Why would she be here? Easton spoke to Axel with concern laced in his voice. 

If I knew I would tell you, he responded, equally as anxious. 

He came face to face with the guards who he previously saw a few moments ago. They looked at Easton in confusion, why would he be back so soon?

Noelle's scent was extremely strong at this point, and this only heightened Easton's worry. 

"Did you see Noelle in here?", he asked, dreading the answer. The two gave each other a strange glance. 

"N-no, my king", one answered, moving out of the way so Easton could go through. 

Easton sighed in frustration, hurriedly entering the basement yet again. 

"Noelle?", he called out for her, but he got no response. 

"My love, it's Easton. You're okay, come out please", he spoke softly, hoping to encourage her to leave her hiding spot. 

It was only then when he saw the little furry ball of orange lying on the ground, close to Robinson's unconscious body. 

And it was only then when he realised she had seen everything. 

Guilt rushed through his body as he stared at her with wide eyes, paralysed. 

Easton's P.O.V

I'm such a f*cking idiot. Of course she was going to come look for me, I had been gone for a while, and I know how anxious my Noelle get's when I'm not around her. How was I so stupid not to notice? I smelt her too! I knew she was close to me but my anger and rage blinded my own thoughts and morals, whispering to me, ordering me to beat the sh*t out of something, and that something had to be Robinson. 

She followed me here, trusting me enough to know that she was safe wherever she was, as long as she was with me, and this is where it led us. 

She witnessed me doing to same thing Robinson and his pack did to her. 

She relived the trauma, the nightmares, the dreaded memories, and it's all because of me. 

Call me, or her, dramatic, but this is her reality. She was tormented for 10 whole years, beaten, starved, ridiculed and she had to see that happen to someone else with her own eyes. 

It's traumatic to anyone who's experienced such cruelty before. I know I called Nate and Lilah irresponsible, but I am not better. 

I was too blinded by my own emotions to consider how she may feel about the situation. Sure, I never knew she was there, but I should've realised a lot sooner than I did. 

I was finally pulled out of my trance when I felt something next to my legs, and sure enough, that little furry ball of orange had woken up, whimpering and cuddling close to my feet, separated from me by the smallest measurement. I could see the fear in her beautiful, golden eyes, but that fear wasn't from me. I could tell by the way she cuddled to me, that she wasn't frightened because of me. She was scared of the environment she was in. She wanted to leave. After what she had seen me do, she still wasn't afraid of me. She didn't see me as a merciless monster like everyone else did. She didn't see me as the villain in all children books like everyone else did. 

She still saw me as the same old Easton. 

I picked her up and hugged her to my chest where she always loves to be. Her face was sullen, she was whimpering a lot less though. I looked down at her with so much guilt and sadness running through my veins. 

"I'm so sorry, Elle. I'm so f*cking sorry", I whispered solemnly as I walked out of the basement, the guards giving me weird looks but I didn't care. 

She looked up at me with a reassuring look, silently telling me that everything was okay. 

But it wasn't okay. 

She passed out because of what she had seen me do. 

I was going to make it up to her, and by doing that,

I had a lot of explaining to do.

A/N - Finally the chapter is out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said before, I started school again and writing three chapters a week will be extremely difficult, so I'm going to try and upload on the weekends. So if things go well, there may be another chapter tomorrow too, but no promises! What did you think of this chapter? Comment your opinions and predictions! Don't forget to vote, Love you all!

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