Chapter 1

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(Picture is Jessie)

I sighed as I turned over, stretching as I opened my eyes. My eyes looked around the walls of the room in the boarding house, smiling as I turned onto my back only to gasp when I saw Stefan standing on the side of my bed, smiling down at me. "Stefan! There's a door to knock on, you should try it." I murmured, rubbing a hand down my face as he smirked.

"Well, sister. If you want to come with me to the school and get registered in, you need to get ready because I am leaving in an hour." He murmured, offering me a hand as he stared at my annoyed face.

"There is something wrong with me, a one hundred and sixty-six year old vampire, going to high school." I muttered, taking his hand as he pulled me onto my feet.

"Soon to be sixty-seven this Halloween." He mused, rubbing his chin. "You're an old hag, sis." I narrowed my eyes as I pushed past him, causing him to take a few steps back as he chuckled.

"Hypocrite, you one hundred and sixty-three year old grandpa." I retorted, walking into my bathroom before closing the door. I stripped my clothes off and walked to my shower, turning on the hot water before closing my eyes. My body burned under the water before adjusting, growing used to the temperature as I sighed, grabbing my vanilla body wash. I washed my body and hair before I finally turned off the water, walking to my rack to grab a towel before I wrapped one around my body and a second one around my hair. "Stefan, please leave so I can get dressed." I muttered as I walked out of my bathroom, looking at my brother, who was laying on my bed with his eyes closed. He looked at me and nodded, standing before kissing my forehead as he walked to the door. When it closed I took the towel off of my head and brushed my long, black hair as I looked out my window. I turned and walked to my dresser, grabbing my undergarments and outfit before pulling on the garments and the dress. I pulled on my boots and put my black hair into a messy bun, calling for my brother.

"What?" He asked as he walked in, looking at me with a cup of coffee in both of his hands. He held one out to me and I smiled, taking the drink before gesturing to the back of my dress.

"Zip, please." Was all I said before drinking the dark brew. The black drink made me sigh in delight as I closed my eyes, smiling as Stefan fastened my zipper.

"You'd think that if you can't get it on yourself, you wouldn't get it." I looked at him as he tugged on a lock of my hair that hung in my face, one that seemed brown instead of the rest of my black hair.

"Well, I have you. And it's cute, so shush." I replied, grinning lightly. "Plus, I can zip it. I'm just-"

"Lazy." He finished, smiling as he held out my messenger bag and leather jacket. "Yes, I know. Come on, finish your coffee and let's go." I nodded and grabbed my things, finishing my drink before pulling on my jacket and following Stefan out of the room.

"You must be Jessamine, right?" I looked up and my eyes locked with those of a pale, blonde girl with light blue-green eyes and a big, wide smile. I looked at the girl beside her, Bonnie who was in my Chemistry class earlier, and nodded as I closed my locker.

"Yes, but people call me Jessie or Jess." I replied, smiling softly as the blonde stuck out her hand.

"I'm Caroline Forbes, and this is Bonnie Bennett." She introduced, waving to herself and the latter as I shook her hand.

"It's nice to meet you." I said, looking over as Bonnie and I exchanged a small nod.

"How has your first day been?" Bonnie asked as they began walking, guiding me towards the front of the school.

"Good, actually. I would be fine if I lost some of the classes I was enrolled in, but what can you do about it." I stated, thinking about Mr. Tanner's History class I had with Bonnie, Stefan, and the girl he was infatuated with. Elena Guilbert.

"Totally, I would be fine getting rid of school all together." Caroline gushed, shaking her head as she sighed.

"Agreed." Was the response from Bonnie as she held the door open for us.

"Jessie, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang out with me, Bonnie, and a few of our friends at the Grill tonight. We'll be there in a few hours if you want to come." Caroline said as she turned to face me, a wide, hopeful smile on her face.

"By that, you mean you want me to come to the Grill so you can ask me about my brother." I retorted, grinning as I raised an eyebrow. Bonnie cackled and nodded, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yes, that is exactly why she is asking, actually." She mused, smiling as she shook her head.

"Actually, I want to get to know you too. Will you come?" She asked, pouting as she grabbed my hand gently. I sighed before nodding, rolling my eyes as the blonde pulled me to her in a tight hug. "Great! See you at seven!" She gushed as she hurried away, Bonnie hot on her heel.

Eternal Love *Elijah Mikaelson*Where stories live. Discover now