
471 20 0

Aug 12, 2017

We're currently back here on our house after the 2 days Camp, we arrived at 3 pm both of us cleaned the house and yeah, she's asleep now

It's all dark outside, just a few lights on the different houses around ours. I am here, drinking a coffee while staring at the window. In just a few days, we're both going to graduate

"I needed it to write down" I whispered the get the most special thing of me..my notebook. I suddenly remembered what was I planned before

Finding a good job and travel the world with Nayeon. But ofcourse, I badly wanted to marry her first. That's my priority...to marry her

After we both graduated, I will try find a nicest job here. Surely, my aunties and uncles wanted to help me or live on abroad by I keep on refusing it. I just wanted to live here with Nayeon

I promised to shared my house with her till she became my wife and forever

I wrote my goals;

-Find a job

-Save a lot of money

-Marry her

-Travel the world with her

-Make a big family

I smiled then sip on my coffee after. I really can't wait for this, for sure both of us will be have a nice job, it's our 4th year and last week in College life. 

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