Chapter 7

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Hey Lovlies! So, I have a question for all of you. 

Now im all about the fluff. I love the sappy, cute, goofy, romantic stuff, but I do add a little bit of heat. The only thing is  I tend to cut away when things are going to get a little bit more.... mature. 

Now im curious, Do you all like it that way... or would you rather I just contiune into the mature stuff and didnt cut away? Its a little awkward but I need to know! if youre all unhappy and thats what you want then fine, I have no probkem with it, but I just need to know! 

So Give me your oppinion below. Let me know if you like it as is, or you want a little more haha. I wont judge you either way!

Okay Ill talk to you all soon, it would help me out a ton if you would comment and vote, so please dont forget! Love you all!

Emily xx


Harry’s POV

My eyes threatened to close as I tried focusing on the small screen rested at Elle’s feet. It had been such a long week, long days filled with rehearsals and meetings. The fact that I hadn’t slept properly in a while, and I had warmth of Elle’s body pressed against mine wasn’t helping me stay awake.

“You’re not falling asleep on me are you?” Elle asked lifting her head from my chest.

“No, not at all” I said trying to sound as convincing as I could.

“I told you that you didn’t have to come over tonight” she said flipping over and resting her chin on my chest.

“I wanted to though; I haven’t seen you in ages. If us being together means watching a movie in your dorm then so be it.” I said running a piece of her hair through my fingers.

“It’s kind of nice though, not having to go out.” She said tracing designs across my shirt. “It’s like this is the only place where we aren’t bothered.”

“Where nobody can find us.” I added smiling at her.

“Except for me” Scarlett interjected from her bed on the other side of the room.

  Elle groaned and let her head fall “Scar couldn’t you go out tonight” she asked giving her a look.

“Seriously? Do I have to be kicked out every time you two get together?” she said closing her laptop.

“You can stay, but things might get a little heated.” I teased.

“Alright” Scarlett said slamming her laptop down. “But I have no one to hang out with, your busy, Marcus is busy.” She rambled as she grabbed her purse.

My eyebrows furrowed at the unfamiliar name “whose Marcus?” I asked turning to Elle.

“A friend of ours” Elle answered before turning back to Scarlett “maybe someone else is free?” she asked.

“I’m sure I could ask one of the girls hanging out outside our room if they want to go do something” Scarlett said rolling her eyes.

I hid my face with my hands “their relentless” I droned sighing deeply.

 Elle pulled my hands away and kissed the end of my nose “can we finish our movie please?” she asked before snuggling back down next to me.

Scarlett’s POV

Shoving my hands into my pockets, I jogged down the street trying to dodge the multiple people. It was actually a beautiful night, perfect for a run. There was nothing else to do, figure I would just run until it was time for Harry to go. It was usually the perfect way for me to clear my head, but for some reason, tonight that wasn’t working.

“Alright you need to go back to the room and study when he’s gone. I’m not kidding Scarlett, if you fuck up your test tomorrow, it’s going to bring your GPA down and that’s not okay. And oh shit you still have to write that essay; maybe Elle could hel-“I thought something hard hit my shoulder.

“Watch where the hell you’re going! “A frantic voice yelled at me.

Trying to figure out what was going on, I recognized the guy from the coffee shop. “Calm down crazy!” I yelled back at him “you ran into me too”

The blonde gasped for breath and refused to leave his eyes on one place for too long. “Sorry, I’m just being followed.” He said scanning the area. He finally came to rest his eyes on me and his face lit up “it’s you!” he exclaimed stepping forward. “Scarlett” he said.

Feeling my cheeks heat up, I stared at him “sorry I don’t remember your name.” I said biting the inside of my cheek.

“That’s alright, its-“he said before he was suddenly interrupted.

“There! He’s over there” someone shrieked.

Panic suddenly filling his face he shot forward and grasped my hand. “I’m sorry about this, but I don’t want you to get run over.” He said before taking off down the sidewalk.

I glanced back to see a good sized group of girls chasing us. “I thought this kind of stuff only happened in movies!” I yelled.

“Welcome to my life” he said sending me a smile. Letting go of his hand, I ran ahead of him, and gave him a look.

“Better run faster if you don’t want to get caught” I laughed.

Grinning at me he sped up, suddenly making it a completion between the two of us. For a moment, we had both forgotten that we were being chased in the first place.

“Let’s go this way.” He said suddenly pulling me off to a side street once we had turned the corner. Pressing himself against me, we both waited silently as the mob ran past us.

Giving a sigh of relief, he looked down at me and laughed.

“Why were they chasing you?” I laughed looking up at his surprisingly gorgeous blue eyes.

“I just went for a drink with my mate, and usually they aren’t this crazy, they’ll wait across the street or something and try to say hi when I come out. But tonight, when I came out, they chased me down.” He laughed.

“I see” I said nodding, baffled by the idea of someone wanting to meet you so bad, they’d resort to chasing you. “Why did you run instead of just stopping and saying Hi?”

A moment of silence passed between the two of us, as a look of realization came into His face.

“I suppose that would have been simpler” he laughed suddenly. When he had stopped he looked down at me, locking his eyes with mine.

“Scarlett” he said again quietly like he was trying it out.

Feeling my cheeks heat up, I swallowed thickly “I never got your name” I said clearing my throat.

“Niall.” He said reminding me.

“Niall” I repeated smiling up at him.

Only Loved By You (sequel to Teach Me to Love)Where stories live. Discover now