
28 0 20


I must be looking at this drawing for hours.
   Always the same dream ... Always the same girl ...

  I have had these dreams since last year, but at first I didn't care much.

Strange things always happen to me, so much that I started to ignore most of them.

But the dreams didn't stop, so I started to draw what I saw, as if it were going to help something.

And the most stressful thing was that every time I was about to see this girl's face, I'd wake up.

I end up leaving my thoughts aside when I hear J.A.R.V.I.'s voice dry through my room, warning me that Pepper was calling everyone in the room.

I get up lazily, leaving my room and down the stairs, having the sight of everyone already sitting on the couch.

Eu só tenho uma coisa a dizer se você caiu nessa

Eu só tenho uma coisa a dizer se você caiu nessa

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Se você não acreditou vai se foder e finge que acreditou porq a gente não fez essa porra atoa não viu

Se você não acreditou vai se foder e finge que acreditou porq a gente não fez essa porra atoa não viu

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B is for bonitosa

I is for inteligente pra carai bicho

A is for a mais gata

A is for a mais gata

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ʜᴇɪʀ sᴛᴀʀᴋ - ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴏsᴇɴ ᴏɴᴇOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora