You want a divorce?💔 -Ry & Dre

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Ryland's POV:

       "What do you mean 'you want a divorce'?" I asked with hurt in my voice. My baby started to tear up.

       "Ry. I'm so sorry. Its- it's just not working out... I don't want to, but I..." He sighed. "I think it's for the better" I start to cry and I fall into his arms begging him not to leave me.

~(Okay, some of the Ondreaz and Ryland parts, I got the idea from -LOPEZ. So credits to them!)~

       "B-baby, please!!! I need you! I don't know what I'd do without you! We've been through so much, and now you decide to do this to me!? Please!" I sob as I feel his tears hit the top of my head. He put a hand in my hair.

       "I'm sorry, Ryland," He says letting go of me and backing away. I look into his eyes and see the love, hate, hurt, regret... why. I sigh and he started to walk over to me. He looked at me for a second before slowly sliding off his ring. He looked at it then, with a shaky hand, put the ring up to my chest. My breathing hitched as I look down at his hand on my chest, holding the ring. I look back up at him. "I'm sorry. I love you. But I just can't" He says taking his hand off my chest, making the ring fall, and quickly walked out the room. Before the ring can hit the floor, I catch it.

Ondreaz's POV:

        I walk out of the room, tears streaming down my face. I get to the stairs and head into the living room where I see Madlen, Mackenzie, Nick, and Tony. I didn't even know Nick, Tony, and their baby was here. Madlen and Mackenzie were crawling all over the floor while Tony and Nick are asleep on the couch. Nick laying down on his back with Tony's head on his chest one leg over Nick, with a hand on his chest. One of Nick's hands on Tony's back and the other on Tony's thigh, holding his leg. And Nick's face dug into the top of Tony's head. I smile at the sight and quietly walk over to Nick and Tony's 1-year-old baby picking her up along with her favorite white strawberry blanket and her pink pacifier. I guess Mia and Ryland we're outside. I knew they were here. I dangle the pacifier in Mackenzie's face.

       "Do you want it?" I ask in a baby voice. She smacked it out of my hands and started crying. 

        "Shhh shhh. No-no-no. Don't cry" I whisper, quickly picking up the pacifier again, and putting it in her mouth. She stopped crying. I let out a relieved breath and look over at Nick and Tony. Tony was now fully on top of Nick with Nick's arms around him. I sigh. Well, I hope they'll stay together. I start walking out to the pool where everyone is.

       "Did you guys know Tony and Nick were here!?" I yell so everyone can hear me. They all look at me. They all nod and Kouvr walked over to me.

       "Yeah. They got here while you and Ryland were upstairs. Where are they?" She asked grabbing Mackenzie from me.

       "Asleep on the couch. Oh yeah. MIA! MICHAEL! MADLEN'S IN THE LIVING ROOM!" I yell at them. They both get out of the pool and start walking to the door. Damn. Mia's only 2 weeks pregnant. It looks like she's getting bigger double. Hmph. I hand Kouvr the blanket and walk into the house, back toward the living room. I walk in and Nick is covering Tony up with a blanket. Once the blanket was over him, he smiled and kissed Tony's head. I smile and walk over to them.

       "Hey," I say kinda scaring him. He jumped and looked at me. He smiled and kissed Tony's head again before looking back to me.

       "Hey. Uhm. Have you seen Mackenzie and Madlen? We were supposed to watch them, but fell asleep" He looked around the room.

       "Yeah. I came downstairs and seen you four, and you two were asleep so I took Mackenzie, Kouvr has her now, and Mia and Michael has Madlen" I say. He nods and looks down at Tony. I see a little bit of fear on his face. "Hey. You alright?" I ask. He looked up at me. Then looked back down at Tony and sighed.

       "Yeah. It's just, me and Tony have been fighting a lot lately. And I'm scared... that if we continue to have these arguments, that it will result in us not being together anymore. And I don't want that. At all." Tears built up in his eyes as he sat down beside Tony and rub his back. "You and Ryland are perfectly fine" As he says this, Ryland starts walking down the stairs. 

~Next- Chapter 3: 'Can I live with you', Nick's POV


Hiiiiiii. So in the title, I have 'Ry & Dre'. So if a chapter is about a certain person, then I'll put it in the title. So say it's abt Mia and Michael it will say the real tittle and 'Mia & Michael in the title. Same with if it's just one person. 
But if it's abt Nick and Tony, I won't say it. It will just have the normal tittle. Because the book is mainly abt them.
Also, at the end where I have 'Next'. I will start putting the next chapter title and who's POV it will be. Just so you guys know! So yeah!


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