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t's been six months since you joined the BAU. You've gotten to know the team pretty well, and you were right about Luke being a good friend. It has been nice to have someone to go to after a tough case or just to talk.

You've also gotten to know Emily pretty damn well, in many different ways. You two have started to spend lots more time with each other, and you rarely sleep alone, although you bounce from her place to your place every couple days. You make plans every Saturday night to go to dinner, and when the team goes out for drinks you both have to be careful not to drink too much, or you'll end up all over each other. Neither of you were out to the team, and no one knows about your feelings for each other.


It's a cool November night and you're finally landing from an abduction case. You and your team caught the unsub, but you had to shoot him. It was your first time having to use your gun to actually kill someone. You know you shouldn't feel bad because you did what you had to do, but there is a pit of guilt in your stomach.

Luke: I know exactly what is going through your head right now miss.

Y/N: Oh do you?

Luke: Yes. I know you feel guilty for having to kill the unsub. Just know that you saved a teenage girl in the process of it. And honestly, the rest of us. You know that he would've killed her and then fired at us. Talking him down wasn't working. You made the right call.

Y/N: I know I know. I just still feel bad you know? I wish that those families had the opportunity to see that monster get thrown in jail for the rest of his life.

Luke: I think we should get a drink when we land. Sound good?

Y/N: Hell yeah. And some Mexican food please.

Your phone buzzed. It was Garcia.

Penelope: I can sense with my super crazy mind reading skills that you are talking about getting Mexican food. I'll meet you all at O'Keefs in an hour.

Y/N: did she do that?

The jet finally lands and you and the rest of the team head to meet Garcia.

Garcia: Hello my fine furry crime fighting friends! I ordered us all margaritas and a round of shots. Hope none of you plan on driving home tonight.

You all sit down and order your food while you sip your margarita. You down yours quickly and decide to head to the bar for another.

Y/N: I'll be right back you guys. Anyone want another while I'm up there?

Garcia: Me! Get us another round of shots while you're at it.

Morgan: *mouthing to you* Maybe a water for her.

You see Penelope shoot Derek a disapproving look. When you get to the bar, you're greeted by a nice bartender who's name she said was Anna Marie. Next to you is an older man giving you a creepy look, but you ignore him.

"Hey there pretty lady." He says. "I'm Lee. Are you alone tonight honey?" You are already a little tipsy but you know a creep when you see one.

Y/N: No, I'm not alone, and I'm not interested. Thanks though.

You get your drinks and head back to the table. You shake it off on your way over, but you can feel his eyes on you.

Y/N: Here we go ladies and gents.

You put down the tray of margaritas and pass Penelope a water. She does not appreciate this gesture. Luke convinces you to dance with him and soon the rest of the team follows. You can feel Emily's gaze on you, along with the creep at the bar's. It's around 11:30 when you all decide it's time to head home. You and Emily are the last to leave, so that no one gets suspicious as to why you are going home with her. Strangely enough, even in the Uber you called, you can still feel like Lee is watching you. You dismiss the thought though when you get home and after showering and brushing your teeth, you climb into bed with Emily.

Emily: Goodnight beautiful.

Y/N: Goodnight Em.

The next few days consist of writing up reports, trying not to stare at Emily too much at work, Luke trying to convince you to go on a blind date with one of his friends, you declining over and over again, and steamy sex. With Emily of course.

It's been over two weeks without a new case, but Garcia comes out of her office with an incredibly distraught look on her face.

Y/N: We have a bad one don't we.

Garcia: I need baby animals. Right now.

You know that's never a good sign. Everyone gathers around the round table and Hotch starts explaining the case. Garcia couldn't bring herself to.

Hotch: Over the last week and a half, 3 women have gone missing right here in DC. 2 of their bodies were found in a dumpster outside a bar. All three women are brunette, have green eyes, and are 22-30 years old. Both deceased women had obvious signs of torture and sexual assault.

You feel everyone direct their attention to you.

Y/N: What? Why is everyone staring at me.

Morgan: Dude, you look exactly like the victims. Like identical.

You realize now that you actually do resemble the victims almost exactly. You share almost all of their features.

Y/N: Creepy I guess. What were the victims names?

JJ: Molly Garner, 22 Mariam Mitchell, 27, and Josephine Collins, 25. Josephine's body has not been found yet, so we think she's still alive.

Rossi: It says here that both of the deceased victims had to make a phone call before they died? They were held for 4 days, made their phone call, and then shot while on the phone with their family. Jeez. That's cruel.

Hotch: Yes, they were both killed while on the phone with their families, but the strange thing is that the victims were killed at the exact same time. 10:36 pm both times. Josephine went missing 2 days ago, which means-

Y/N: We have 2 days to find her.

Your team works tirelessly to find Josephine before it's too late. You have exactly 13 hours left, but still have no leads and no promising locations. The phone calls were too short to track and pinged off of at least 4 different cell towers. You were beginning to loose hope.

Luke: Y/N. Are you okay? I know this case can't be easy for you, since the victims all look exactly like you.

Y/N: No, defiantly not easy, but I know I can do it.

Hours go by, and Garcia intercepts a phone call. From Josephine. She is calling her younger sister to tell her she loves her. BANG! She's shot and the phone hangs up. Garcia, with tears streaming down her cheeks was able to locate a 3 mile radius on the outskirts of the city. The problem was, the entire 3 mile area is abandoned buildings. There was no way to find the right one in time to save the next victim. Hotch sends everyone home to get some rest, and you decide to go to your place alone tonight. You just need to think. Emily gets it, and drives to her apartment. You park in your parking garage and are walking to the elevator when you hear someone behind you.

Lee: You shouldn't have rejected me. I don't take no for an answer.

Before you could even react, you feel a violent smack on the back of your head, and everything goes black.

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