Dont make fun of me jerk. (craig x dancer)

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((What I mean by dancer, is like acro, ballet, jazz and even ribbon wand)) (((sorry I dance and do baton + ribbon so . .yeah)))

You were grabbing stuff from your locker. Craig walked up. "Hey Craig! What's up?" You asked excitingly. "Nothing you?" He asked bored. "I'm going to dance class! I love going." You slammed it and threw your bookbag on. "Want me to walk you?" He asked, a little blush. "If you want." You replied throwing your dance bag over your shoulder. "Dance huh?" He asked, you both walking through the doors. "D-dont make fun of me! Its really fun!" Blushing a bit. "I'm not.just....didn't know." He said looking anywhere but where you were. "How late?" He asked. "Pretty late. It gets real dark." You answered. You looked up at him. He was real tall. Unlike you. You were really short. "What?" He asked. "N-n-nothing!" You arrived at (y/d/p) {your dance place} "I'll pick you up" he muttered. "Ok!" You yelled and ran inside.

~~~Craig's point of view~~

I walked away feeling a little upset. What if there's a guy there she likes? She's not allowed. I like her so she has to like me. Yeah, I like that.

I went home feeling a little better. Maybe some t.v could help. I walked in and ruby was watching t.v. "Go away I'm watching t.v!!" She yelled. I sat on the couch and saw what she was watching. "And we will be back later on, Dance Moms." The t.v yelled. "Don't change the channel I'm gonna get a snack!" She yelled. I sat in the couch and watched the commercials. I looked at the time. Its was maybe about 6 o' clock. She was done at 8. I settled down on the couch. This was gonna be a while.


I arrived at her dance place as she walked out. "Hey there!" She said excited. "How was it?" I asked trying to sound interested. "Good. As usual." You were doing a few ballet steps while you were walking. "Uh...what are you doing?" He asked as you stopped. "A routine. Dip me." You asked. As you leaped to him. He blushed a bit but dippied you. You leaned up and kissed him. You did a turn and landed in fifth position. "Well?" You asked. "Is the kissing part part of it?" He asked. "" You quietly murmured. He walked to you. "Then it was lovely." He dippied you again and kissed you. You held it as he brought you back up. "I love you....I'm sorry!!" He said pushing you back. You walked up to him. "Love you too.." You blushed. He kissed your cheek. "Do you wanna?" He asked. You knew what he was talking about. "Yes." You answered. That night you walked home. With your new boyfriend.

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