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"Watch it lady!" The man with blue eyes said. His eyes were darker, not like the ones I was thinking of.

"Whoa, calm down it was an accident." Austin told the man.

"Was I talking to you?" He poked at Austin's shoulder with more force then expected.

"And you!" He snapped and grabbed my wrist, startling me, "I expect a better apology than that!"

"Sir," I started, "you're drunk. Please let me go!"

I yelped when his hand harshly crushed around my wrist. A crowd slowly began to form.

"Alex!" Someone called and the man turned around.

Whoever called his name grabbed 'Alex' by the collar of his shirt and pulled him away from me. I couldn't see who he was, I just sat there and watched while he pushed the man away.

"I'm sorry," the other man said, not looking at me before he picked up my phone.
He brushed off my phone and began to hand it to me, "He had a little too much to dr-" then looked at me.
He stopped talking like he had lost his breath. My mouth parted open and I found my breathing to shake.
A minute felt like an hour.

"Oh my god." He quietly said.

My stomach dropped, my head was spinning, and my whole world collapsed.

I didn't say anything. But then,
"I think I'm going to be sick."
I pushed through everyone to the back of the bar, I found the bathroom and fell to my knees in front of a toilet.
I don't know if it was my low tolerance to the alcohol or if it was the shock of what just happened, but I felt sick to my stomach. Or maybe it was a little bit of both.
I came out ten minutes later.
I chocked on my breath when I saw him waiting at a table, right next to the door, by himself. He turned his head and saw me looking at him. I quickly walked towards the door and past him, snatching my phone off the table on my way.

"Sam, wait!" He called out.
I gasped when I felt him grab my wrist.
I turned around for a second, trying to avoid his blue orbs, just by facing him I could smell a strong combination of weed, alcohol and cologne. Not the way I used to remember him.
"I have to go." I said and pulled away.
I saw Taylor waiting for me at the corner.
I grabbed her and quickly paced back to campus.
I looked back at the bar, there he was standing in the door watching me go.

We got back to our room. I closed the door behind Taylor and I. I leaned my head on the wood for a second before turning around and sliding my back down on the door. I stared into blankness for God knows how long. Nothing processed. I heard nothing but a loud ringing. I couldn't move. It's like everything was on pause.

"Sam!" Taylor yelled and time seemed to start moving again.

I turned to her with no emotion, "What?"

"Are you ok?"


"Because we got back an hour ago and you haven't moved a muscle!"

"An hour?" It only felt like 10 minutes.

Taylor furrowed her eyebrows and came to sit next to me.
She put her hand on my shoulder "Did something happen?"

I nodded my head.

"I saw you bump into Alex at the bar. Austin told me he would handle it... Sam, what happened after that?" She asked me.

"He was there. I saw him!... He saw me."


I turned to her, "Hayes."

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