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chapter seven | real life

dylan took a shot on the polaroid camera of her and vinnie and waited for it to develop. "hey look another photo i can add to my wall" she said laughing slightly and laying back on the couch. "so how did you even get like hype other than the sway boys" vinnie asked as he sat next to her on the couch.

"im honestly not even sure myself," she said looking at him "i used to be a photographer for a few celebs and that gained me hype but i don't know i guess i've just been passionate about photography and others enjoy it too," she said smiling.

"i'm not good at taking photos or being in them," vinnie said as dylan slapped his arm lightly "shut up i've seen your instagram photos how-" dylan said as he raised one eyebrow "wow stalker"

they sat there for a few seconds before he asked another question "so which celebs have you shot with before" vinnie asked as dylan walked away and then came back in the room with her hard drives. "look on these i have loads of old photos on here you should see how much i've changed" she said as she grabbed her laptop and they both sat up.

"that's when i went to florida oh my god," she said laughing and clicking on a photo. dylan scrolled through a few more before vinnie started laughing and looked away. "what photo" she said looking at her screen the scrolling quickly. "oh shit-" she said as her cheeks heated up quickly.

"was that blake gray no fucking way," vinnie said as she nodded and laid her head back. "i didn't know that photo was on this hard drive fuckkk," she said as she started to laugh. "wait how old is that photo, blake has that ugly hair cut that's gotta be old," vinnie said as she placed her hand over the photo on the screen and scrolled up to look at the date. "13th of february 2016-" she said as vinnie looked at her shocked.

"i was 14 then and he was 15 ok," she said as vinnie looked at her. "and you blake were taking underwear photos i-" he said laughing. vinnie wasn't going to use this against her just use this as a joke really. "shut up i know what i saw" she said laughing slightly. "wait...when did you lose your virginity" he asked.

"i've known you like 30 minutes and you already wanna know when i popped my cherry," she said laughing as vinnie looked at her. "i've seen you practically naked on that photo i think when you lost your v card won't affect anything," he said as dylan rolled her eyes and faced him as she sighed.

"14-" she said as vinnie wiggled his eyebrows slightly. "wait 14 what" he repeated after her. "i lost my v card at 14," she said smiling awkwardly as vinnie looked at her then quickly sitting up and pointing at her screen saying nothing. "wait you lost it to blake?" he said as dylan nodded and then facepalmed.

vinnie laughed loudly as dylan sat there a little embarrassed "shut the fuck up i know, i know but i just...please don't judge me for this please" she said looking in his eyes and smiling slightly at him. "no i won't i won't just as long as you tell me what other magcon boys you've slept with" he said laughing again as dylan rolled her eyes.

"how about you now, when did you pop the cherry mister," she said as vinnie stopped laughing and looked at her. "well i wasn't underage for starters and i didn't take underwear photos but i think when i was 16," he said as dylan looked at him reacting to his age normally. "ok whatever, you win at the most responsible and less slutty person in the room," she said clapping as he laughed slightly and then stood up.

"you're not exactly slutty for sleeping with someone at 14 though," he said as he leant against the counter. "well i'm pretty slutty for sleeping with like quite a lot of different guys," she said smiling sarcastically at vin.

"stop that's not even bad," he said as dylan went to stand next to him and he brought her into a side hug. dylan looked up to him "it's pretty bad"
"mhm," he said as she hit his arm and he pretended that it hurt. "i think we're gonna be great friends don't you," vinnie said smiling widely at dylan as she nodded her head along. "sure"


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liked by vinniehacker, blakegray and 689,577 others

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liked by vinniehacker, blakegray and
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dylanhblythe hey hows ur day beautiful

user she knows she's heather

user it's great bae❤️

vinniehacker horrible because i had to see you
   ∟dylanhblythe stfu leave my room then luv <3

gabriellasaintt your the beautiful one😍
   ∟dylanhblythe shh listen...i love you❤️

user i wish i was one of the sway boys rn
   ∟dylanhblythe don't wish too hard, they smell

user my inner bi is shaking😪

kahlanicopper is that guy there for the photo orr just is he your sugar daddy...
   ∟dylanhblythe sugar daddy😻

user horrible now i've seen your post

noahbeck when even the photographers photo quality is bad🥺
   ∟dylanhblythe stop it was meant to be like that!!

tiktokroom did we miss sum since when were her and vinnie friends??👀👀
user idk too

AUTHORS NOTE • sorry for the lack of updates i've been binge watching the harry potters HAHAH
anyways enjoy the chapter and give me an influencer from like hype or sway etc that dylan should befriend and be really close with?

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