Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I blushed hard as Iwaizumi faced me, not caring about Eno-who was still catching it breath.
"Mine," he said again.
He was shorter than me yet he was the more dominant one. Yay.
Please note my sarcasm.
Iwaizumi placed a chaste kiss to my lips, looking away after he did that.
"Let's head inside, dummy," he said, grabbing my hand, pulling me with him. We walked back into the gym and took our spots. My favorite scene was ending. I liked watching her get chased by the robot.
(True fact for me IRL: watching that Monsters V.S. Aliens scene with the girl the large robot in the empty city, it gives me major anxiety to where its almost a panic attack but I love that scene so much though.
Once the movie was over, we all headed back to our rooms, dragging our mats and such back as well.
After I got ready for bed, to my complete surprise, Tobio walked holding Hinata.
"Hinata kept asking for you," he stated before I could ask.
"Ba Gweat King!" Hinata chirped as Tobio handed him over. I smile a little at him. So cute...!
"Hurt him and your dead," Tobio growled.
"Yeah, I know," I grumble before cooing at Hinata and setting him on my mat.
"Iwa-chan," I chirped as he walked in from the bathrooms. "Look!"
He rolled his eyes but his cheeks heated up a bit.
I tickled Hinata, smiling widely. He was fun to be around. Let me be myself, which was someone who liked little kids and wasn't very serious with social status.
After the lights turned off I laid down and let Hinata go where ever. He curled up next to my side, gripping onto my arm tightly.
I ran my hand through his thin hair, watching as his eyelids dropped before closing.
He let out a berble before his breathing slowed and he was asleep.
I looked to my left and saw Iwa-chan asleep as well, his hand relaxed as it lay up a foot away from me. I reached over and gently intertwined our fingers, waiting for his physical reaction. After a minute, he squeezed, my heart doing the same.
I chewed on my lip as I tried not to cry.
It just hit me mentally what Eno was going to do to me. I shuddered and pulled Hinata closer, rolling over carefully and resting my head next to Iaw-chan's hand.
A tear hit the back of his hand and he rolled over, caressing the side of my face with his other hand.
"Shhhh," he breathed. "Relax."
I nodded and took a deep breath, slacking my shoulders and core.
He scooted closer and rested his forehead against mine, tapping my cheeks softly.
I opened them and he kissed my forehead.
"Sleep or you'll be tired tomorrow, " he said.
I smile and nod, closing my eyes again.
"Thank you..." I whisper before I succumbed to the pure bliss of sleep.

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