Part 9

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My head was pounding and my vision was clearing as I awoke from an i don't know how long slumber. My vision cleared and I found myself staring at least 10 villains, three I recognized the rest I don't know who they are.

A man in a suit vest, his body made of a dark purple cloud of some sort, stood behind a bartenders counter. A tall and lanky young man sat on a barstool staring at me, white hands covering his whole body. A young girl I didn't recognize stood with a crazed face and an old school girl outfit. And Dabi, of course.

My cheek ached from the obvious few day old bruise that was caused by the blue fire welder. "How long was I out?" i asked groggy and Dabi quickly answered with; "two days, you hit your head a little too hard.'' I grumbled and tried to pull my arms free from the ropes that tied me to the chair in the middle of the room.

"Why am i here?" i asked, a few of the villains snickered. "We want some info, and you conveniently followed me down that alley after i talked to that Midoriya kid." the hands guy answered.

"Can i know some of your names first?" they glanced at each other and then nodded, "Im Shigaraki, that's Toga," he pointed towards the crazed girl. "This is Kurogiri," he pointed at the shadow cloud guy, "And i think you know him, Dabi." he pointed at the purple scarred man who killed my father, bastard.

"So, got any info on UA?" Shigaraki asked, "Nope, but what I want to know is why this guy,'' I gestured towards Dabi, "killed my father. What was your goal... Touya?" he stiffened at the former name of his, "How did you know?" he questioned. "Oh you really didn't think i wouldn't connect the dots after years of looking for you to get my revenge.'' I snickered.

Dabi pulled his fist back and swung it at my already bruised cheek. Blood pooled in my mouth, I spit it onto the floor, it spattered onto Dabi's boots. "I'm also surprised you don't remember me, our fathers used to work together. I was the little orange headed girl who ran around your home with Shoto. You don't remember any of that? You used to take care of us when our fathers were doing 'business'."

He pulled his fist back again but Shigaraki stopped him, "Dabi, stop. We need her awake for a little longer so we can ask some questions.'' I began to laugh at the fact that they really thought I was gonna give them any real information. "I'll answer your question if you answer mine, why did you kill him?" Shigaraki began to laugh, "You mean you really haven't figured it out already?" I swung my head to look at Shigaraki, "We did it to get to your mother!" he shouted.

Are they serious, she died nine years before that. "And why would you need to get to my mother?'' I asked. "Well because Sensei wasn't happy with who she married, I mean the daughter of a villain marrying a hero is just absurd!" he laughed.

My mouth hung open, my mother was the daughter of a notorious villain but which one? These guys are only in their twenties. "Who is this sensei you speak of?'' I asked. "Well he's not very known but he is an amazingly strong villain............. All for One." he said with pride and joy in his voice.

I've only heard of him once and I assumed he was dead, but I assumed wrong. My grandfather is the reason my father's dead? But why get Dabi to do it, why not Shigaraki or something?

"Why would you get Dabi to do it if he wasn't even part of the LOV three years ago?" "Well we had just met him back then and he volunteered, even though he wasn't even apart of the LOV. he was at a lust for blood, he wanted to kill someone so badly." Shigaraki answered.

"So, how did your mother react after finding your father dead and you so close to it?" Dabi teased. I began to laugh, the shock on their faces made me laugh even harder. "You guys... are idiots!'' I shouted. "She died of an illness when i was 3!! The only one that had trauma from that was me!! Do you regret it Touya, i hope you do.'' I could feel his anger rising by the second.

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