Melted Hearts

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You sit in a field full of roses and sunflowers when she see Draco coming by he says

" miss me ? "

" of course I do I love u Draco "

- he kisses you on the cheek as you put your head on his legs .

" I love ur dress y/n "

" thank you "

" do you want to-

- you instantly wake up and you're in the car with Draco and Hermione, Draco says " y/n were on away to go see Harry and you fell asleep! "

" oh okay thank you "

Hermione says while driving - " so.. what did u dream about "

You rush and say " Hogwarts "

" first day of the weekend and already thinking about Hogwarts , please y/n you need to focus less on Hogwarts " she chuckles .

" Hermiones right , you need to just relax , we are 10 minutes away! We are staying over! " Draco Replies.

" I can't wait ." You say while still thinking about that dream, you get your diary and start journaling about Draco !

" hey y/n what ya writing down there " Draco says .

You are put on thin ice as you say " oh just some movies we could watch while at Harry's ! "

He replies " oh pretty nice . "

- you arrive at Harry's house and we all start chattering -

Harry says " oh hey y/n ! How are you " as he hugs you.

You reply with " great ! How about you?"

- " I'm great thank you " as he smiles and walks to Hermione.

Draco comes and says " hey y/n love your robe "

You chuckle while smiling and say " oh okay I left mine in Lunas dorm so on the last day I got yours "

He laughs and says " looks very pretty " as he hugs you and he puts his chin on your head because of how small you are compared to him -

You think to yourself as this pops in your mind - " this is such a great moment "

He says " I love you - well I'm a best friend way "

Your smile went from 😄 to 🙂 faster than your dream went , he says " what's wrong y/s/n " you suggest " nothing malfoy just pa-...potions problems coming through "

~ we all settle down and watch a movie you put your head on dracos shoulder as he smiles and you fall asleep softly in his arms , ~

You wake in a random bed in Harry's house as you see Harry making breakfast then in the corner of your eye you see Ron walking through the door with chicken , you smile and laugh to yourself - " good old Ron "

Harry hears someone says " good old Ron " and he says " y/n what are you doing awake ? " you think fast and reply with " just heard the door going ! " he goes " oh very well then y/s/n "

~ Draco wakes up , with his hair a mess and he hasn't got his special blanket he normally wears on a cold day just like this one, you ask draco " HEY malfoy where's your blanket ? " as you walk to the couch ,
He says " look in the mirror y/s/n "

- Harry and Ron chuckle - as he severs you and Draco breakfast you share dracos blanket with him as he says " get dressed and meet me at the iced cherry tree " Harry goes and says " while you two are gone me Ron and Hermione will make hot coco "

- you get ready and wear dracos slytherin robe , you walk out to see Draco sitting down , he says " hey y/n , I have a question ... "

You reply " sure what is it?..." he stutters " we've been acting very strange and I think we are more than best friends.. "

~ your mind is exploding with excitement ~

- he throws the icy cold snow in your face as he says " JUST KIDDING "

You frown . Deeply  , but you get a chunk of snow and throw it at him

He cries " OH ITS ON Y/N "

You guys chuckle .

You run , scream , laugh and enjoy for 2 hours or possibly more.

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