Chapter One

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'Shoot! I'm late! Sugawara is gonna kill meeee!' Hinata thought as she rushed off her bed, braided her hair, and changed into her Cafe uniform. Her workplace, Dabukafe (Dove Cafe), was 10 minutes away from her so she got on her bike and cycled to her workplace. She ran through the door and tripped over herself. "I'm *Huff* sorry Sugawara-San!" She said as she tried catching her breath.

"It's fine, Sweetie. Just make sure to wake up more early. Did you have breakfast yet?" Sugawara asked in a soothing voice. Hinata nodded as she picked up a broom. She sweeped as "Isabella's lullaby" (From the promised neverland) softly played in the background. She hummed along as customers piled in. She went to the counter and started taking orders for people. Soon tables were full and the customers waited for their drinks. Hinata started helping make drinks with three of her co-workers. Soon four of her co-workers, then five, now six. The regulars were fine with waiting for their drinks so they got the Karens and people with kids out with their drinks and started making their regular's drinks. Then, a group of boys came in. "Hello! What would you like?" Hinata said at the cashier. She smiled. But soon she was overwhelmed by their height. Sugawara noticed and took over her place.

"Hello! Welcome to Dabukafe! I'm Koushi Sugawara and I'll be taking your orders. What would you like to drink?" Sugawara said with a smile. She took their orders and led them to table 5. "Thank you for coming and your orders should be here soon." Soon, a girl with green shoulder length hair came out of the back.

"Sugawara I'm done with my break now. What is there I am able to do?" She asked quietly. She noticed one of the guys, Tsukishima. Well, their bickering was really loud of course.

"You can go deal with the guys at table three, Yamaguchi." Sugawara said, pointing to a table with a trio of men. She walked over to the table and asked if they needed any help.

"The only help I need is you Darling~" One of them said.

They were clearly drunk even though this was a no drinking cafe. "Sir, I need you to leave. You are clearly drunk and need to get a uber." One of the other men held onto her arm as she tried to leave.

"Sweetie~ We don't need an uber~" The last guy said. At this point Yamaguchi was completely uncomfortable. Then the first guy got out of his seat with a loud crash. All of her co-workers went quiet and looked over to her.

"Sir I am very uncomfortable and I need you to let go of me." Yamaguchi said in a soft voice.

"Hey! Don't touch her!" One of her co-workers, Nishinoya, went up to them and put herself between the two. Even if she was 5'2. "N-Nishinoya! You're gonna get hurt!" Yamaguchi said, pulling her co-worker next to her. "What gives you the right to drink in our cafe and harass her!" Nishinoya yelled at them. The men were mad that someone dared interfere with them but before they could hurt the two someone held their arm. It was Sugawara, Akaashi, and Ennoshita.

"Leave. Now." Sugawara said with a scary aura around her. Not only it scared the men away, it scared the rest of her co-workers. She sighed and went back behind the counter. What the guys at table 5 just witnessed was a once-in-a-life experience.

"T-Thank you Sugawara." Yamaguchi smiled.

"No problem Yamguchi. If anyone messes with my co-workers it's Nishinoya." Sugawara ruffled Yamaguchi's hair. One of the guys from the table walked up to the cashier and caught Sugawara's attention. "Huh? Oh! Sorry if your Green tea frappuccino, and hot chocolate are taking so long."

"O-Oh! Actually, I would like your number.." He said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly with a blush tinted on his face.

Sugawara smiled and nodded. She wrote on a piece of paper her number and her name.

"My name is Sawamura Daichi." He said with pride.

"Wanna go to the beach sometime?" Sugawara asked.

"H-Huh? Just the two of us or-"

"With our friends of course!" Sugawara stepped to the side to reveal her friends at the door eavesdropping, playing on their phone, or just making drinks. "It seems our group of friends have the same amount." She smiled. She looked over to her chaotic group friends.

"Well, wanna be friends?" Daichi asked. Sugawara looked back at him and smiled.

"Of course."

Next Chapter will be posted about 1-5 minutes after this is posted
IwaOi will be next at the beach

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