Beach Day! (+IwaOi)

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"Sugawaraaaa are we almost there?" Hinata sat at the back complaining while Yamaguchi slept on her shoulder. Kenma was on her phone at the front seat. Nishinoya was singing at the top of her lungs (And well it wasn't bad.) next to Kenma and Ennoshita.Ennoshita was seconds away from murdering Hinata and Nishinoya. Akaashi was the only thing holding back Ennoshita. And Yaku was sitting in the passenger seat with Sugawara driving.

"No, not yet Hinata.." Sugawara said. "Thirty more minutes okay?"

"But you always say that!" Hinata whined, but then she saw the ocean. She pointed out the window, "Look! Look out there! The ocean!"

"Huh? Yes Chibi-Chan, the ocean is outside, which means the beach is nearby. Now go back to being quiet please," Akaashi said, while looking out the window. "Wait.. WHERE'S OIKAWA?!"

"Oikawa is taking her own car with the lunches." Ennoshita said.

"Oh okay." Akaashi calmed down.

"We're here!" Sugawara said after she parked the car.

Hinata woke up Yamaguchi and everyone piled out the car.

"Why are we going to the beach Sugawara-San?" Hinata asked as she looked out across the beach.

"We'll be meeting some people and I thought you guys would like to play volleyball for a bit," Sugawara took out the bags and volleyball equipment. Then a car parked right next to theirs. "And speak of the devil, here they are."

Daichi got out of his car and greeted Sugawara with a smile.

"Hello Sugawara, do you need help?" Daichi asked, holding out his hand.

"No, no, I'm fine- HINATA, NISHINOYA COME BACK HERE!" Sugawara yelled out to Hinata and Nishinoya, who was running to the ocean. "AKAASHI CAN YOU GO WATCH OVER THEM?"

Akaashi nodded and chased after Nishinoya and Hinata. Ennoshita followed just in case while everyone else went to a private place to change.

"On the other hand, yeah I need help." Sugawara handed Daichi the volleyball net and poles, while she took the bags. The two went to the beach where everyone was at. All the girls and all the boys were talking to each other in their own little circle.

"GUYS! I WANNA INTRODUCE US TO ONE OF MY FRIENDS!" Sugawara yelled out to the girls. Hinata and Nishinoya ran up to her jumping up and down like children.

"Who are they? I wanna meet them! Take us to them! C'mon! Sugawara! Sugawara! Let's go! Let's go!" Hinata and Nishinoya said in unison. Sugawara patted the two of them and told the group to follow her. Everyone got up and followed Sugawara to the other group. "Daichi! Here they are~!

"Oh! Great Sugawara!" Daichi looked over to his group of friends. "These are the people I wanted you to meet!"

Daichi introduced Sugawara's friends to his group of friends.

"If you think about it, there aren't a lot of friends." Sugawara giggled.

"Your giggle is cute." Daichi said, looking at Sugawara with fond eyes.

"Huh?" Sugawara looked up at Daichi, tilting her head a bit in confusion.

"N-Nothing." Daichi looked away blushing profusely.

"Oh, okay!" She clapped her hands together and made her friends line up. "Introduce yourself now!"

"My name's Hinata!" Hinata stood 5'5, with long orange, curly, hair. She had amber colored eyes and a bright smile.

"I'm Yamaguchi.." Yamaguchi had green hair tied up in a ponytail. She had freaks on her shoulders and across her face with dark green eyes.

"Kenma get off of your Gameboy." Ennoshita took her friend's Gameboy out of her hands and paused the game. "I'm Ennoshita." She smiled. Ennoshita had brown hair and eyes and somewhat a boring look.

"Kenma.." Kenma had a pudding like look to her with yellow cat-like eyes.

"I'm Akaashi." Akaashi had long black hair with somewhat dark blue eyes.

"And I'm Nishinoya!" Nishinoya was 5'2. She had shoulder length hair with yellow streaks.

"Yahoo~! Oikawa here!" The girls groaned collectively as Oikawa walked closer. She was 6'4 with hair just barely passing her bottom. "Iwa-chan!?" She said surprisely.

"Oikawa I swear to god if you-" Iwaizumi didn't even finish his sentence before Oikawa tackled him to a ground.

"Iwa-Chan! It's been so long!" Oikawa exclaimed out loud. "You've grown taller than me and more handsome too!"

Everyone froze at the sight of the two hugging and laughing with each other.

"OIKAWA GET OFF OF ME!" Iwaizumi pushed her off but ended up pinning her to the ground. Oikawa only giggled as Iwaizumi got up. "Shut up Shittykawa."

"Iwa-chan is a big meanie. Hmph!" Oikawa crossed her arms and pouted.

"Do- Do you and Iwaizumi know each other?" Daichi asked in confusion. Cause nobody, not even a pretty girl would run over to Iwaizumi and tackle him in a hug of course.

"Iwa-chan and I are childhood besties!" Oikawa said while clinging onto Iwaizumi's arm. "But Iwa-chan went away for some time and got a girlfriend in college."

Everyone thought the two would've been a couple cause from how they acted but nope. Childhood best friends.

"Oh right! Her name was Sakura right?" Oikawa asked.

"Yeah. She's coming soon-" A tackle soon cut off Iwaizumi as his girlfriend announced her presence. She noticed Oikawa clinging onto Iwaizumi's arm and Iwaizumi blushing. Jealous, she flicked Oikawa's forehead which made Oikawa let go and fall over. She then took over Oikawa's place near Iwaizumi.

"Iwa~ Who is she?" Sakura asked, glaring at Oikawa. Oikawa just rubbed the spot where Sakura flicked her forehead at looking at the ground with confused eyes. "Why she dresses like a h*e." Sakura covered her mouth, smirking.

Oikawa looked up with dull eyes. 'Iwa-Chan isn't gonna help isn't he.' Oikawa thought. She blinked a few times and got up. She smiled at Sakura and held out a hand.

"Hello. I'm Iwaizumi's childhood friend. I hope we can get along." Oikawa said with a big smile.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Sakura waved her off rolling her eyes. "Nice meeting you or whatever."

Oikawa was then pulled by the waist by a stranger. She froze at the touch.

"Hey Kitten~ Wanna give me your phone number?" The guy whispered near her ear. She immediately punched the guy and then hid behind Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi was mad, no, furious. "Ow-! What a bitch-"

"Shut up and listen. She's my friend okay? Messing with her means messing with this whole group." Iwaizumi looked at him directly in the eye calmly and everyone else was glaring at him. Oikawa was sniffing and crying and Sakura was disgusted by the guy. She didn't care about Oikawa, in fact, she was jealous.

"I-Iwa-Chan it's fine. *Hic* I'm used to it." Oikawa held onto Iwaizumi's sleeve and pulled him into a hug. "S-See?"

Sugawara put a hand on Oikawa's shoulder and looked at her with concerned eyes. Then Sugawara looked over to the guy with cold eyes. He immediately got up and ran away. Oikawa then stopped hugging Iwaizumi and smiled.

"Guess the old trick worked didn't it?" She smiled. Iwaizumi sighed and patted Oikawa. Sakura got jealous and pulled Iwaizumi away.

"Iwa! I-I don't like her. Your childhood friend! She's trying to break us up!" Sakura harshly whispered. "If you continue talking and flirting with her I'll break up with you!"

Iwaizumi froze at those words. He loved Sakura. She was his world and moon. He couldn't lose her. But did he really love her? He convinced himself he did.

"A-Alright." Iwaizumi walked back to the group, probably regretting what he's gonna do.

"Oikawa.. We can't be friends anymore.." Iwaizumi said.

"W-What? I just found you again.. and you're leaving me again?!" Oikawa had a hurt expression written all over her face. "Why are you leaving me again?! Is it because I'm too childish? Iwa-Chan please don't leave me again!"


Oikawa started sobbing and fell down to her knees.

"Didn't you promise we'd stay together?! What the fuck Iwaizumi!?"

Iwaizumi never saw Oikawa cry this hard or say his full name. Sakura immediately went defensive and stood in front of Oikawa.

"Hey! Don't you dare say my boyfriend's name like that!" She pointed at Oikawa.

"WHO ARE YOU TO SAY THAT?!" Oikawa stood up and stood roughly 3 inches taller than her. "FIRST, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE TALKING TO?! I'M OIKAWA TOORU. THE DAUGHTER AND THE OLDEST OF THE TOORU FAMILY." Oikawa slapped Sakura out of anger and frustration

Iwaizumi immediately pushed Oikawa away from Sakura which made her fall down and hit her head against a rock. She immediately passed out and went limp. Silence washed over everyone as realization slowly hit them. Iwaizumi was the first one to move and picked her body. The girls immediately went against that. Considering the fact that Iwaizumi was the one who pushed her. Sugawara instead took her body and placed her down on the sand. Hinata handed Sugawara a first-AID kit and she checked Oikawa for any injuries.


"I-Iwa-" Sakura started but was immediately cut off by yelling.



Sakura covered her mouth as Iwaizumi realized what she said. He looked down and clenched his fist together.

"We're over," He turned around and went over to Oikawa. She luckily was breathing and was awake. "Oikawa.. I-I'm sorry."

She looked over to her childhood best friend and smiled.

"Iwa-Chan finally came into his senses didn't he?"

'Yeah.. I guess I did.' Iwaizumi thought. And it dawned on him what Oikawa was wearing. Yeah he usually wouldn't mind but something just clicked.

"Iwa-chan? Why are you all red?" Oikawa asked. Then it dawned on her. "Wait, Iwa-chan, do you like me?"

"Huh- No- Not at all-" Oikawa cut him off with a kiss on the forehead.

"I like you too. Okay?" She patted his head and smiled. Like the Oikawa he remembers. Too quick to forgive, and too quick to fall in love. "Though my friends may not support it. And what about Sakura?"

"She was.. jealous."

Oikawa laughed and hugged Iwaizumi. Everyone ended up accepting it although the girls swear that if Oikawa comes to them crying they'll beat up Iwaizumi.

Tell me if there's any relationship you wanna go next~!

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