YOU ARE READING Skz memes🐿 Юмор the title sums up the whole thing :) have fun reading<3 excuse my dry humour within the first few chapters, i was 11 when this was made 💀 tysm for 100k+ reads wtf thank you #2 in #kpopmemes #chan #changbin #funny #funnymoments #hyunjin #jeongin #jisung #kpop #kpopmemes #laugh #memes #minho #random #seungmin #skz #strakidsmemes #straykids ✨5✨ 1.8K 53 11 by _xiqoo by _xiqoo Follow Share Опубликовать в Вашем профиле Поделиться по электронной почте Report Story Send Send to Friend Share Опубликовать в Вашем профиле Поделиться по электронной почте Жалоба на историю Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Lmao I-