the first day

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macy pov 

   I take one big step out of my car and take a big breath. My first day of high school is today. Dont freak out macy , dont freak out. ahhhhhhhh i cant wait to get in there. i want to run , but i make my body walk so i look cool. i look at ashton and he flashes me a bright smile. i love that smile. maybe one day in my freshman year ashton will ask me out. well hopfully. 

    " Are you excited , Macy ?" Ashton ask me in a laughing tone. 

    " Yea how did you know?" i ask 

   " i can tell by the way you are trying to hold yourslef from running towards the door. You have to remeber that we have known each other for about all our lives so i can tell when you are feeling a certin way by how you act." he laughs. " And also i am excited to ,so you have to be excited."

    " Will you walk me to class? not like i'm scared that i might walk into the wrong room or tirp and fall or...." i get cut off

 yes ok ok i will do dont worry." ashton laughs.

          Ashton laugh is so cute i cant stand it. I need him to ask me out now!! anyways we walk into the buliding and i see a bunch of pretty girls. i cant help but see ashton looking and almost drooling from there looks. they all look at me and laugh. do i have something on my face. i look down so they dont notice i seen them talking about me. 

     i dont talk the rest of the way to class and i hear what they are saying,

    " i heard she toke Shelby's boyfriend and fucked him.' one girl says 

    " he said he didn't want to but she made him, isn't that rape?" the other girl says.

      No Luke and Shelby cant be here. they will ruin my life. they will make it harder for me to get ashton to like me. as if you don't know who Shelby and Luke are i will tell you. Shelby was the pretty girl at my middle school. she had sex with just about every boy in our grade. after she had sex with the teacher she got moved up a grade. that is where a boy named Luke was. they dated for about 2 month's. after they broke up Luke invited me to a Halloween party. i went and got a bit drunk. after that i cant remember anything. so maybe i did maybe i didn't but i doubt that i did. anyways ever since then they have bullied me into things. i have a feeling this year will change.

      we reach my class and Ashton looks over at me and hugs me. " don't let what they say hurt you, we both know you didn't do that OK?" he squeezes me.

    " okay."  say and he lets go of me. i walk into my classroom and find a desk in the front of the room. trust me that was the first mistake i made. the hole class all i heard was whispers about me and then they would giggle. a few times the teacher said something to them , but not about them making fun of me, more like " stop laughing in class." or " be quite" . not one thing about making fun of me came out of his mouth. the biggest lie a school could ever say is " we will stop any bulling that comes to our classroom."

    ( ashtons pov)

       After i walk Macy to her first class a group of guys pull me into the males restroom. i recognize one of them. its Luke the guy that made Macy have sex with him. yea i know the real story but i was threaten not to tell anyone so i kept my mouth shut.

   " we know your best friends with Macy." Luke steps up and pushes my shoulder. " so we want you to stop or we could ruin your life." He stops.

     " why cant you all just leave her alone?" i ask getting close to the wall. 

     " because we don't want to. anyways we need you to stop being her friend and be ours. trust me it will be way more fun then being friends with her and plus you have to do it." he pushes me back into the wall.  " next class i want you to start being a complete ass hole to her and pick on her or else." 

   i run out scared of what they might do. i have to do what they say, ill just tell her why later . i mean i love her. i mean i like her as a friend. what am i saying i do love her. i have had a crush on her since the 2nd grade. i cant be mean to her. lord what am i doing to do?


hey guys sorry it sucks i know and its short sorry for not updating in awhile i have been doing a lot of things. thanks for reading don't forget to vote an comment love you all . hugs and kisses.    "

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