>POV Apple<
I slowly walkd down the street, fancy looking as always until I noticed something... weird?
An Pikatchu? Or just a yellow rat dunno- ,,AH FRICK IS THAT BLOOD?", I accidantly screamed after seeing the yellow thing eating another yellow rat thing- ,,This is so bizzarr it might actually be an Pikatchu.. Wait am I on Drungs?", I ended up asking myself but didn't came to an answer.
I continued walking but noticed the Pikatchu who seems to follow me? I mean yes Im awesom but WHY?!
SUDDENLY I noticed the best, mot awesom person, after me of course, Technoblade! ,,Technoblade senpai!", i screamed as loud as I possibly could, i think the Pikatchu is deaf now.
Cringe 4 Apple
Fanfiction~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pweas downt hawte mwe Its an Deep uwu Story abt dudes and a canibalistic Pikatchu Apple has to choose..... (dramatic silence) Options.