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The car came to a stop and Ivy paid the driver who then helped her with her luggage - only one small black suitcase to be checked in. Just enough for the essentials. Everything else she needed, she could just buy when she arrived.

Ivy loved airports. She loved the idea that you could just walk on a plane and go anywhere in the world.  

She floated through the busy terminal, checked in and then proceeded to the gate number that was printed on her ticket.

As she walked, she pulled the iPhone from the pocket of her jeans and sent out a bunch of texts, including one last plea to Scooter, telling him to come with her. 

She wasn't holding her breath.

"I'd love to doll, but Travis has invited me to his parents house for Christmas!" he'd told Ivy the first time she asked. Travis, Schmavis. Ivy knew her best friend and she was giving it one more month before he was bored and looking for his next boy toy.

She took a vacant seat at the gate and flipped through magazines until it was time to board the plane. Of course, she would have preferred to fly private but that would have given away the surprise of her visit.

A dull ache tugged at her temples (courtesy of last nights champagne), and a nervous excitement fluttered in her stomach (courtesy of what awaited her back home). She couldn't wait to see the look on her face. His too.

After she boarded the plane and took her seat in first-class, Ivy promptly ordered a vodka soda to calm the nerves in her stomach. Two more of these and I won't even remember I was nervous, she told herself and put on a smile.

Ivy had read somewhere once that smiling tricks your brain into thinking your happy, so it was something she did often.

A few minutes later, a red-haired boy boarded the plane. He looked familiar and Ivy couldn't quite put her finger on it until he stopped at the seat next to her.

"Oh, hi, it's you. And I guess this is my seat," he said. His pale green eyes looked glassy and Ivy guessed he was also fond of a little pre-flight drink. Who I am to judge?

"Don't let me stop you from sitting down," she said with a confident smile. He was pretty cute, considering. She wouldn't oblige spending the next 14 hours with him.

"Yeah, right. Um, hold on a moment," he disappeared and a few moments later, she heard a male voice clear his throat. When she looked up, it wasn't the red-haired boy.

"What are you doing here?" he said, his voice much less friendly than it was last night.

"Woah, someone seems snappy. You're not a nervous flyer, are you, Lucas?"

He sat down in the seat next to her, his long legs stretched out in front of him. His legs wouldn't be able to fit in economy, Ivy thought to herself.

"I'm serious. What are you doing?"

"Well, when I woke up this morning, I thought to myself: Gee, I'm not doing much today. Maybe I'll go to the airport and buy myself a plane ticket and board the plane and pretend I'm going somewhere."

He laughed slightly at her sarcastic answer, "So, you're not, like a stalker fan-girl?"

"Um," Ivy laughed. "No. Sorry to disappoint you."

Luke groaned and ran his hand through his hair, "Fucking Michael. He's scared of you, so he made me switch with him."

Ivy laughed again, "Why is he scared of me?"

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