Chapter 5- A New Team

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I jump a bit and let out a small yelp. "Who are you? What are you talking about?" I ask, glancing around me.

The boy jumps out into the light. A gray hood with animal ears is over his head, a black mask covers his eyes, he wears a gray skintight suit with black combat boots and black gloves. Around his neck is a black and white striped scarf.

"C'mon Bandit! We don't want to scare her away!" I look up towards the voice and see a girl who seemed to be about my age gliding down from the sky

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"C'mon Bandit! We don't want to scare her away!" I look up towards the voice and see a girl who seemed to be about my age gliding down from the sky. She has tan skin and straight dark brown hair that faded into green and then yellow. Her Carmel eyes lit up as she landed in front of me. She's wearing a green top with dark blue gloves, and a yellow skirt. She has light green tights and ballet slippers the same shade as her gloves. A feather cape that she used to glide on lays on her back that connects all the way to her wrists. A feather tail of the same colors is attached to her skirt, and a mask sits over her eyes.

"My name is Parakeet, and this is Bandit

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"My name is Parakeet, and this is Bandit. You're Alley Cat correct?" She asks, smiling.

"How do you know?" I ask.

Bandit jumps down and walks over to me, crossing his arms. "We were told you're supposed to be our new teammate." He says as though it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"How am I supposed to trust a thing either of you say?" I question, crossing my arms over my chest. Bandit and Parakeet glance at each other.

"We're miraculous holders. Just like you." Parakeet says. "I have the miraculous of the Budgerigar." She points to the beaded feather clip in her hair. "The miraculous gives me the power to glide, and I become extremely agile and quick, but when I activate my special power, I gain the power to actually fly at extreme speeds until my time runs out."

"I have the miraculous of the raccoon." Bandit begins. "My miraculous is an earring, although you can't see it with my hood up. With it, I become stealthy, and sneaky. I've also recently discovered that through this miraculous I become an expert at slight of hand."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Bandit walks up to me and leans on my shoulder. "That's classified information." He says smirking.

I roll my eyes as Bandit walks back to his place next to Parakeet. I could've sworn I've heard that saying before...but where?

I subconsciously reach to my belt to grab my mirror, but it's strap is empty. "Hey, where's my mir-" I'm cut off by Bandits sly Cheshire Cat grin as he holds up my silver hand mirror. "Careful with that!" I shout, running to retrieve it from him.

Bandit tosses it to me and smirks. "And In case you were wondering, my secret power is extreme sexiness." He says, winking.

Parakeet punches him in the shoulder and rolls her Carmel colored eyes. "He has telekinesis."

"Oh really? That's cool!"

Bandit groans.

"So what are your powers Alley Cat?" Parakeet asks.

"I have amazing agility, I can also jump up to about sixty feet, and I always land on my feet. My special power allows me to become invisible until I detransform." I explain.

"Oh, that's awesome!!" Parakeet exclaims jumping up. I'm beginning to wonder how this girl is always so energetic.

"Are you guys really my new team?" I ask, still a bit doubtful.

"If you don't believe us, ask Kitti." Bandit says.

I let out a small gasp. "How do you know who Kitti is?" I ask.

"Our miraculouses are from the same miracle box as yours. We know of all the Kwamis from that box." Bandit explains. "So are we a team or not?" He holds out his gloves hand so I can shake it.

I think for a moment before sticking my hand out and shaking it with him. "Yes we are."


I lay on my bed at about 12:30 still not being able to fall asleep. I stare at the ceiling, and sigh. The last time I wasn't able to fall asleep was when I was still in Paris.

I remember going onto Marinette's balcony and looking out over the city, when I saw Chat Noir. We talked for awhile, and when I got back into bed I finally fell asleep. But I don't think that tactic would work now...

Before I even knew what was happening, tears start rolling down my cheeks. Slow at first, but quickly escalating to full on sobbing. I clutch onto my comforter, wanting nothing more than to be in my Chaton's arms. I want to feel him gently run his fingers through my hair, and rubbing slow circles on my back. I could almost hear his soft voice comforting me...

I cry until my eyes have no more tears to give, and just lie on my bed. Slowly, I grab my pillow and blanket, and exit my room. I'm not entirely sure where I'm going, but I let my feet lead me anyway. A few moments later, I find myself standing on the rooftop, overlooking New York City. I lay my blanket and pillow down, and lay on top of them. I slowly a oclose my eyes, letting the sounds of the city lull me to sleep.

Hi everyone!!

A special thanks goes out to my little sister, test_subject_13 She made those AMAZING drawings of Parakeet and Bandit for me, because my drawing ability is no where near as good as hers XD.
She is crazy talented, and I'm so happy she did that for me!

Thanks sis!❤️

𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓛𝓲𝓮𝓼 (Chat Noir x Reader) -The Eye of the Black Cat Pt.2-Where stories live. Discover now