I pulled Natsuki closer to me and wait for daddy to open the gate. I quickly pulled her upstairs and show her her old room,I clean it every month. She looked at me and cry.
"You don't like it?.. you can sleep in my room and Isleep here" I hugged her.
"I'm so sorry.... it's just that....I like someone but I think he has a crush on uou" she whispered the last part and the last thing I heard was it's 'just that'.
"Huh? I'm sorry I didn't hear it...can you say it again?" I asked.
"Nevermind..."she laughed and hugged me again.
"Hinata.." I looked at the door and saw Daichi.
"Ohh, you're here" I kissed his cheek.
"Tendou-kun is waiting downstairs" he said.
"Really??...ohh,wait I'll go change my clothes" I ran to my room and grabbed a loose shirt and short shorts.
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꧁Tendou's P.O.V.꧂ ✘✘✘✘✘✘✘✘✘✘
Me and my team was sitting on the couch in my cousin's house. My mom said that she was sick and I should pay a visit. I bring my team to see there reaction for my cousin.
I already know about him turning to a girl and I wont be surprised if she looks really cute 'cause even when she was still a boy she's still super cute.
After a few minutes a girl in a dress came down. I was drinking a juice and I almost spit it.
'that's not my Hinata!'
She does looked like my cousin but I'm cure that she's not Hinata. Her dress was so short and her chest was almost fully expose.
"Itoko-san..." She said.
"Who-" I didn't finish my word because Yoshiro say something.
"Hey,bitch what are you doing here?go back to your room" Yoshiro said.
"Onii-cha-" she was cut off.
"Go back....you almost killed Hinata and you still have the guts to walked out of your room" she pointed at the staircase angrily.
"Onii-chan...what are you two atlking about?" Hinata walked down.
'that is my Hinata!'
She was wearing a loose black shirt and a short,her hair was tied but a little massy which made her look more attractive.
"Itoko-san!!" She ran to me and hugged me super tight.
"So what are you guys talking about?" She asked innocently.
I looked at my teammates and they were blushing. The thing that cought my attention is Ushijima, he doesn't like girls even if its super pretty.
'that's my cousin!'
"W-we were talking about something...y-yeah I was asking her if s-she wants to go shopping" Yoshiro nervously answered. "Right?"
"Y-yeah!!"the girljust agreed. Michiyo already told me what happened.
"Really?can I join!???" She jumped in excitement.
'ahh,my sunshine'
"You are not supposed to wear thin clothes" I didn't even noticed Daichi. He covered Hinata in a blanket.
I was about to walked towards the door but Hinata ran faster.
"Don't you dare say anything to her.. understand!?" Yoshiro threatened and The girl nodded. Michiyo tell me the story but didn't tell the girl's name cause she call her 'bitch'.
"What the hell are you wearing!??" We turned and saw our grandmother. Daichi and I kissed her cheek. "After you strip your sister's clothes and ley her beside a guy and also strip the guys and took pictures to bring shame to your sister...you want you bring shame on us!!?" Granny said angrily.
"I-I'm sorry....I-Ill go change" she said crying.
"Natsuki??why are you crying??" Hinata dropped the blanket and ran towards the girl.
'ohh Natsuki?'
Hinata slapped Yoshiro.
"What?it wasn't me"he said.
"Oh I'm sorry" she apologized.
"It's me" Hinata turned to look at granny.
"Hmph!" She just looked away.
I was shocked when I saw aoba johsai in front of us.
Takahiro kiss granny's cheek.
Hinata was sitting next to Natsuki while we're eating.
"Hinata,do you want to host a party?" Aunt asked.
"For what?" Hinata asked.
"For Natsuki" Mrs.Hinata smiled at Natsuki.
"Really?sure!?" She said.
"Sister!!!...can I help!???" Natsu asked,running towards Hinata.
"Of course" Natsu sat ni Hinata's lap and kiss her cheek.
"Iter!!(sister)" Hinta turned and looked at her adopted sister.
"You wanna join?" The baby clapped her hand.
Mrs.Hinata insisted that we should stay for the night,Hinata agree so I don't can't say no. I think its ok since tomorrow is weekend.
My teammates and aoba johsai was will sleep in a big room while me and Takahiro have our own room here,its because we are always here except for the past few weeks because we need to train harder.
Hinata's house is big...very very big.
I take a bath and sleep. We always bring extra shirt and short.