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Walking straight to the kitchen area, she facepalms as she sees Kuina and Kanata eating rice balls.

"Guys. . .are you serious? We're like, playing right now" Y/n groaned at them, sighing as she rubbed her temples as she glanced at this food traced faces.

The youngest twin girls blushed in embarrassment and quickly washed their hands to go to the demoness. "S-sorry Y/n-san! We were just hungry that's all. . ." Kuina muttered, looking down in shame.

"Y-yeah! Mama's riceballs are very yummy!" Kanata chimed brightly, remembering how exactly delicious the woman's food are.

Y/n giggles at their childishness and wiles the rice that stuck to their porcelain faces. "Ok ok, just clean yourselves up while I find your brother, ok?" She says to them, pinching their cheeks lightly as to not hurt them.

Their eyes brighten at her kindness and nods delightfully. "Hai!" They exclaim before turning their backs to the girl and clean the kitchen.

Y/n smiles and walks out the kitchen, sliding the door behind her and huffs exhaustedly. Massaging her jaw and cheeks, it ached in pain at how she smiled infront of the innocent girls.

"Ok, now to find the heir" she thought and ventured out to her next destination.

.                                                               ..                                                               .

It only took seconds for the demoness to go to where Kiriya had hidden. Considering she already where they all hid from the beginning.

Sliding the door open to a vacant room, she coughs as dust immediately attack her with dirt. Waving her hand around excessively, she remembers how frail and weak the boy was.

Smiling gently, two sides of her conflicted.

Poor soul, he maybe having a hard time breathing right now.

No, you'd help Onii-sama more if we let him get sick and die.

But he's just a kid.

So? You didn't feel bad when you knew that the mist kid was gonna die.

It was just because he did something bad to me. . .it's only right to pay him back.

See? I told you. . .let him die.


"Y/n-san? Are you ok?" Kiriya asks timidly beside her, his frail pale hand gripping her sleeve, his plum coloured eyes staring right at her red ones.

Seeing her unresponsive state, he gulps and tries to call out only to cough harshly.

This seemingly breaks Y/N's state as she immediately turns to her and leads him out the room, frowning.

"Didn't Amane tell you to stay away from dusty dirty places? You're not healthy like your sisters you know" she scolds him, patting his back as he coughed and wheezed.

He glances up at her as he kept coughing. "I-it was the o-only way to s-see *cough* if y-you *cough* really w-worry about me" he coughed, before panting and falling to the floor on exhaustion.

The demoness sighs and shook her head, only one thing in mind.

I should've killed him when I get the chance. . .

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