Alex's POV

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I can't believe I'm going to another foster home. Oh, hi , I'm Jade but you can call me Jay. I don't stay in one house or long 'cause I'm a foster kid. And now I'm in in the orphanage waiting for the next lady who was coming to adopt me.

"Oh, hi sweetie , didn't see you there." said a voice. I looked up to see a lady with a big smile on her face. She seemed nice. But it's always the same with all the moms and dads I've ever had. Just let me tell you how it goes.

In the orphanage,they seem nice,caring and happy,once they get home , I find out they're psycho maniacs who get mad for every little thing and make me do all the work. So if you see or hear me falling asleep in class,I don't sleep at all so don't be surprised.

"Alexandra Hillenburg!"I heard a voice scream and yes,my birth dad is THE Stephen Hillenburg creator of Nickelodeon longest-running show,SpongeBob SquarePants. I just wish people wouldn't make a big deal about it. "Hillenburg!" I heard the voice scream. "I'm coming!" I yelled back.

When I get to the receptionist,I see the lady that bumped into me earlier still with the big smile on her face. " Alex,this is the lady that would be taking care of you,Lilianna Page.(IDK her first name so let's just stick with that 😅😅😅)

"Oh hello darling, I believe we've met before." She says with that kinda annoying still big smile on her face. "Yes ma'am." I said with a fake smile plastered on my face

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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