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Sarah sat patiently waiting for Ali to get back. She had already started planning their weekend. She was going to take him out to a fine restaurant in Manhattan then a Broadway Play. A musical she thought would be nice. Sarah suddenly heard a commotion going on behind her at the Men's room. The loud voices shook her out of her daydream. When she looked, she knew immediately something was wrong and she had a sense Ali was in danger. She felt it inside of her. That feeling you get when death is in the air and a silent darkness invades your spirit. Her breathing became difficult and her heart felt like it was beating inside her head. Sarah started to run into the Men's room but was held back by security. Before she even knew what had happened tears were falling from her eyes. She fought security with all her might trying her best to make it into that Men's room where she knew Ali was. She screamed his name over and over again, then the cries of his name stopped in a way that no one could hear, but her mouth continued to move calling his name deep from her soul in silence while her tears continued in a steady flow. Security held her back as the paramedics and more police showed up.

Sarah was informed a few minutes later that two men of the Middle Eastern race had been stabbed. Unfortunately, they did not survive. She explained to the police that she had just met Ali here in the airport and that they had become very close. The police Sergeant who was now on the scene, a Sergeant Woodhall, had the passports of both men. He showed them to Sarah and she confirmed that neither one was Ali from the pictures on them.

They were very good forgeries. Sarah let them know that the two passports, according to the pictures on them, belonged to Ali's colleagues. She told them of the third man that had been traveling with them and that she no longer saw him in the airport. It was his passport that the police had in their possession. But he was not one of the two victims inside. After the bodies had been covered, the forensic specialist showed a head shot photo of both men to Sarah at Sergeant Woodhall's request. She identified one as the friend and the other as Ali. Sarah gave a detailed description as best she could of the third man. Sergeant Woodhall thanked Sarah for her help. He was sorry for both Sarah and Ali. Two people who managed to find love in such an odd place, just to have it snatched away by death. Aside from the apparent homicide, Sergeant Woodhall felt that when death comes this way, there is a reason, a bigger meaning but he did not know what.

Sergeant Woodhall figured the third character attempted to throw authorities off by making people think that he was one of the victims, while he gets away assuming another identity.

The airport had been shut down for several hours due to the murder investigation. No flights had come in and no flights were allowed to leave. All were interviewed and at the end of it all Law Enforcement had a good description of the third man who was now a person of interest.

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