The Antichrist's Birth

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Third P.O.V.
A woman was part of a Satanic cult. The cult was having a Satanic ritual on the woman, who was pregnant at the time. She was tied to a table and she had a pentagram cut on her stomach as part of the ritual. After the ritual, she was giving birth. Each contraction ripped through her body as her child was being born. Her womb could no longer hold her baby and after she let out each agonized scream tear from her mouth, it came the release. She pushed for twenty long minutes before 6 in the morning of June 1975. But when she gave birth, her entrance tore, killing her. After her baby's birth, the cult members realized that there was no time left and a demon would appear soon. To save themselves from a succubus that inflicts a poisonous curse on them, they performed a Satanic curse on the infant, causing a 666 birthmark to appear on her scalp, causing her to be Satan's daughter and the Antichrist. Now, they decided to put her in foster care so someone could adopt her.

Six months had passed and it was a sunny day at the Thorn residence. Richard Thorn and Ann Thorn were talking about wanting another baby. Richard wanted another baby and Ann wanted a baby of her own, but she wasn't sure if she wants to have a new life grow in her stomach.

Richard's P.O.V.
"I want a baby." My wife, Ann, said. She wanted a child of her own, but she isn't sure if she wants to be pregnant. My first wife, Mary, died in an accident a few years after Mark was born. If Mary was still alive, she would've wanted another child and she would've gotten pregnant again. "We could adopt." I suggested. Ann smiled at the suggestion. "I like that idea. Adopting a child would be better than getting pregnant." So we went to an adoption center so our son, Mark, could have a new sibling and of course, our nephew, Damien, could have another cousin. We searched and searched for a baby, but none of them would fit in. We gave up until we found a newborn that was sleeping. The newborn was wrapped in a fluffy red blanket and it had a red pacifier in its mouth and a red rose headband on its head. "Richard, do you think this baby would fit in?" Ann asked. I nodded. When we filled papers to adopt the baby, it was accepted. We also found out that the baby is a girl, so we thought of names. I thought of naming the baby either "Angel", "May", "Richelle", or "Roberta", but Ann thought of naming the baby "Becky". I agreed to name the baby "Becky" because why not? When we came home, called Mark and Damien's names and informed to them that "someone" wanted to meet them.

Mark's P.O.V.
I wondrously came into the room Dad told us to go in and we saw Mom sitting on a rocking chair. She was holding a baby. The room was red and decorated with red baby stuff. It had a table, a dark red rug that had red cats on it, and my old crib decorated with red blankets and red animal plushies. The baby yawned, then opened its eyes. I asked Mom if I could hold the baby. She nodded and handed it to me. "The baby is your new sister. Your father and I adopted her and we named her 'Becky'." Mom said as I rocked the baby. I looked at Becky, caressing her cheek. Her skin was white, her hair was dark brown, and her eyes were grayish-blue. I played with the rose on her headband, then kissed her cheek. She cooed happily, then looked at me with her grayish-blue irises. I asked Damien if he wanted to hold Becky. He nodded and held Becky. He rocked her, then kissed her cheek, which she cooed happily again. He handed her back to me. I hugged Becky, my face rubbing her face. I placed Becky in my old crib, which is her new crib, and kissed her forehead. "I hope the bed bugs won't bite." I say as Becky closes her eyes, hiding her grayish-blue irises.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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