Chapter 6

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Deceit opened the door and saw just who he expected to see. The black and purple jacket was a dead giveaway, along with the eyeshadow under his eyes. He looked at his eyes, then his face in general. He had a.... soft expression? It seemed like he was worried in a way. Deceit was getting uncomfortable staring at his expression. Virgil started heading towards Deceit, and he started panicking at it.
         "Chill." Deceit looked puzzled for a moment. "I can sense your anxiety you dum dum." Deceit had that 'Oh right' moment, and Virgil just snickered a bit. "Now to what I was here for." Deceit was a bit nervous of what he was gonna bring up. "As I said, I can sense your anxiety. And so, I could sense your little spiral there." Deceit realized what he talking about. He really did kind of spiral, didn't he?
         "So, why'd you come in here?" Virgil was  surprised by his response. What did he think?
"Wow you really are a dum dum." Virgil replied. "I'm care about you, of course I'm gonna come if I sense you spiral." Deceit looked at Virgil after he said he cared about him. Virgil seemed to have caught his attention with that. "Soooo... since I have no clue what else to do, why don't we just watch something? Just kinda chill together to calm you down?" Deceit nodded and Virgil smiled. Deceit smiled back. Virgil noticed a plushie on the floor. He didn't know Deceit had plushies. "Hey, what's this?" He said, proceeding to pick it up. "Is.. is this me?" Virgil said, looking at the stuffing filled thing. It was adorable and simplistic.
"Yeah.. I made it.." Deceit admitted. Virgil seemed to be in awe of the thing
"You know how to sew?" Virgil said, inspecting the mostly purple and black seams on the plush.
"I've shown you this plushie before Virgil, why are you so surprised?" Deceit asked
          "Oh! I must've forgotten. It has the new jacket though, with it's purple patches" Virgil said, noticing the change from the last time he saw it, which he now remembered.
           "Yeah. Decided to update it."  Deceit replied, wondering how Virgil could forget such a thing.
            "Let's get back on track." Virgil suggested. Deceit took a second to realize it.
            "Oh right, I forgot about that part." Deceit replied. This earned laughing from Virgil, Deceit joining him in the laughter.
"Stop! I'm trying to be serious with you, you dork!" Virgil said with a joking tone. Deceit just continued to laugh. Virgil laughed a little too, before they both settled down. They looked at each other, their eyes locking, before they tore their gazes away. "So, what movie do we watch?" Virgil asked. Deceit seemed to ponder this for a moment.
"I don't really know, I'm fine with anything." Deceit replied after a moment. Virgil sat there, seeming to be in thought, for a moment. Deceit messed with his sleeves a bit, waiting for the awkward silence to be over.
"Why don't we watch Coraline?" Virgil suggested. Deceit loved the movie as much as the next guy, but...
"You do realize they took it off Netflix, right?" Deceit said. Virgil seemed to have not had a clue.
"What?!" Virgil replied, Deceit only answering with a nod. "How dare they." Deceit couldn't help but snicker a bit at Virgil's love of the movie
"Guess we gotta pick something else?" Deceit brought Virgil back to the point. Deceit awaited Virgil's suggestion, staring at blank wall for the meantime.
"We could watch a horror movie? I mean, it is spooky season" Virgil suggested. Deceit didn't like horror movies, and always jumped at them, but he wasn't about to just say that. So, he agreed, and the movie started playing. Throughout the movie, Virgil could definitely see Deceit jumping at the jumpscares. At the end of it, Deceit was trying to look like he was fine, but his shaking would've convinced anyone otherwise. He knew that it was all lies, he knew that it wouldn't actually happen to him, but that didn't mean it didn't scare him. Virgil held the shaking Deceit close to him, which Deceit had not expected.
                    After a bit, Deceit started to fall asleep, despite it being the middle of the day. Virgil didn't seem to mind, and just let it happen. Deceit fell asleep on Virgil, and Virgil didn't move, as not to wake him up. While he was sitting there with the sleeping Deceit, he caught a glimpse of in Deceit's sleeve.

He was almost certain there shouldn't be any red


Sorry for the short chapter -w-;

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