Summers With You

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"This is embarrassing! You don't have to tag along with me to my cabin, Mom!"

She turned to see a brunette sporting a grey beret over a lovely, pink summer dress, pulling her also pink luggage, reluctantly to one of the cabins on the left. Seulgi smiled at the mini tantrum the girl was showcasing to her mom who was very good at ignoring every word it seems.

"Really? Look at those parents going with their kids."

"Exactly....they're kids. I'm not."

It wasn't uncommon for her - Counsellor Seulgi - to witness these sort of banters amongst their new campers in Ansan Summer Camp. It happened every year and she had dealt with a variety of kids for years now so it wasn't a new sight.

Seulgi planted her hands firmly on her hips as she stood in the middle of the path on Hikers Peak - their camping point. It's a little bit of a hike which she often arguably retaliates with another fellow counsellor and some of her campers that it was good for cardio.

There were six rows of cabins as a whole on the peak and not far, near the edge was a bulky canvas with an open flap where she and another Counsellor stayed. She was assigned to Team Yellow where three rows of cabin, consisting of four campers each, sat on her right while Team Pink was on the left.

After settling a mini banter on who should get the bed closest to the door in Cabin 3, Seulgi told the girls to make their beds and get change to their provided yellow tee and switch to appropriate shoes before meeting her outside in an hour.

She heard someone mumbling about yellow being an eye-sore colour and another girl, Wendy, a familiar face and camp-goer since the past few years refuted, telling how bright colours like yellow are easy to detect if they went missing. And Seulgi thought, yeah we got ourselves a Camp Leader here.



They had their first ice breaking session that day on the main lodge. The campers had to introduce their names by rhyming it with another word to make it easier and memorable for everyone to remember. The counsellors had to set up an example and all of them chose her to go first.

"My pronouns are she, surname starts with a Kang, not a Lee and you can call me Counsellor Seulgi."

Seulgi had to come up with different rhymes every year because some are frequent yearly campers so she couldn't be lazy and repeat the same line every time. She was glad she received much applause from the campers but then there was a clearing of a throat and the counsellor in pink stepped up. Everyone's attention quickly switched to the petite woman.

"I'm sorry to intervene, I know it's obscene but just to let you know, I'm Irene~"

The cheers for this one was evidently louder than before, whistles and all. Seulgi knew if the male campers from across the lake were here, the camp base would've sounded like some rock concert.

Well, Counsellor Irene was reasonably very pretty. She had been famous since she and Seulgi herself were campers many years back then. Her popularity till now, never ceased.



"Oh no!"

Seulgi rolled over the now, charred sausages that she was responsible to grill for dinner over the campfire. She was distracted a little when Counsellor Hyojung came over to her pit and ran over the schedule they would do for tomorrow's team building activity. The burning smell of the sausages brought her attention back and what a sight.

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