Shared Apartment

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Author: itstilliswhatitis

Summary: Harry needed a place to live and was getting desperate. That was when he found an ad online with an odd solution. A guy named Louis was renting out his place to someone with a 9-17 job. He worked nights. So they would share the flat (and bed) but not at the same time. That could actually work!

So Harry moved in without even meeting the guy. They started leaving notes to each other and Harry was intrigued by the stranger he was living with. Would they ever meet in person?

Rating: 9/10

Reasoning: This book literally made me go "awwww" out loud at least a couple dozen times. It was really fun to see how Louis and Harry connected before they even saw each other and it really shows how you can fall in love based off of personality and not just looks. The chapters aren't too long but they aren't too short. The whole thing is just really well written and so cute. There is smut so once again, if you don't like that kind of stuff than maybe don't read this one OR you can read it but just skip through the smutty part(s) (I'm pretty sure there's only one and it's near the end).

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